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Letho 03/14/19 12:59 PM

ApplyTemplateToControl question
Hey guys,

I have a TopLevelWindow that contains a header, a close button to the right and two buttons ("Sounds subcategory" and "Animations subcategory"):


<TopLevelControl name="AuraMasteryAuraActionsWindow" clampedToScreen="true" mouseEnabled="true" movable="true" tier="2" layer="2" hidden="true">
        <Dimensions x="800" y="600" />
        <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="GuiRoot" relativePoint="CENTER" />
                <Backdrop name="$(parent)_Backdrop" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" />
                <Label name="$(parent)_Label" font="$(BOLD_FONT)|18|soft-shadow-thin" color="C5C29E" text="Trigger Events">
                        <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOP" offsetY="6" />
                <Button name="$(parent)_CloseButton" inherits="ZO_CloseButton">
                <Button name="$(parent)SubCategorySounds" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" text="Animations">                               
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="0" offsetY="42" />
                                WINDOW_MANAGER:ApplyTemplateToControl(self:GetParent():GetNamedChild("_DisplayContainer"), "AM_TEMP_ANIMATIONS")

                <Button name="$(parent)SubCategoryAnimations" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" text="Sounds">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="120" offsetY="42" />
                                WINDOW_MANAGER:ApplyTemplateToControl(self:GetParent():GetNamedChild("_DisplayContainer"), "AM_TEMP_SOUNDS")
                <Control name="$(parent)_DisplayContainer">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="86" />
                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
<Backdrop name="$(parent)BG" centerColor="00000000" edgeColor="00FF00">
<AnchorFill />
<Edge edgeSize="1" />


I wanted to use ApplyTemplateToControl() to "attach" two different menues to "$(parent)_DisplayContainer", but the function probably works differently from what I expected.

When hiting the "AnimationsButton" for the first time everything works perfectly, the DisplayContainer is filled with the "animations template". When hiting the "SoundsButton" the DisplayContainer is filled with the "sounds template", but the "animations template" is not removed. Is ApplyTemplateToControl() not working like a templating system in php or anything comparable?

/edit: I have a suspicion: The function is used only to change data in two templates of the same structure and not to entirely replace template a) with template b), is that correct? If yes, is there another function or lib that does what I need?

Thanks in advance!

KLISK 03/14/19 02:22 PM

you need to use "overide = true" if you want to change the parameters of an existing object. I tried to do it with InventoryRowControl, but I could not get a fully working version. If you need to change the object that you created, then I would use XML only for creating the structure of objects, and all the remaining parameters would be assigned to the LUA.

Letho 03/14/19 04:48 PM

Ah no it's not about changing an existing objects parameters, it's about entirely replacing a template by another. Example:

Container C: << apply template A to this container (menu for animations) when a button is klicked.
Once another button is klicked, apply template B to this container, with B having entirely different controls. Template A should be removed from C. I want to "load" menues into a container, like using templates in php. Until now I have always anchored the controls from A to a control pool element and set them to hidden. But swaping menues by reanchoring A to a hidden element + anchoring B to C does not feel elegant.

sirinsidiator 03/14/19 04:51 PM

That's not possible. Controls are here to stay once they are created. There is no way to delete them. Not even with templates.

KLISK 03/14/19 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 37384)
That's not possible. Controls are here to stay once they are created. There is no way to delete them. Not even with templates.

Well, in general, the possibility is))

@Letho but as Siri said, a pool for saving objects for quick access. If you decide to completely replace the object in the pool, it will not be elegant, it will be terribly expensive in terms of resources.

Letho 03/14/19 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 37384)
That's not possible. Controls are here to stay once they are created. There is no way to delete them. Not even with templates.

I know, i thought ApplyTemplateToControl() might work as some sort of "ControlPoolManagementFactory", quite the way I currently handle it, but more sophisticated and elegant. Could you explain a (or probably THE) typical use case for ApplyTemplateToControl() then? I don't see a sense in it if it isnt about replacing controls.


Originally Posted by KLISK
If you decide to completely replace the object in the pool, it will not be elegant, it will be terribly expensive in terms of resources.

I am afraid there is no other way. If you have a look at my addon's menu (the right one, called "Trigger Settings"):

A (De)Buff trigger has totally different configuration parameters than a combat event based trigger (the latter does not require a "Source Unit", but target and source parameters, actionResults that the aura should react to, etc.). So the "Trigger Settings" submenu totally changes if the user changes the trigger type form "(De)Buff" to "Combat Event" by using the appropriate combobox. I cannot think of a more elegant way to achieve this than just taking all relevant controls and reanchoring them to hidden pools.

merlight 03/14/19 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 37387)
I know, i thought ApplyTemplateToControl() might work as some sort of "ControlPoolManagementFactory", quite the way I currently handle it, but more sophisticated and elegant. Could you explain a (or probably THE) typical use case for ApplyTemplateToControl() then? I don't see a sense in it if it isnt about replacing controls.

It may be useful for lazy construction. You can create the parent (empty or only basic) control at startup, and then before it needs to be shown, choose which template to use for its contents (e.g. based on user settings, or player character class, or whatever, ...) and then apply the template. It's like two-step CreateControlFromVirtual -- in most cases you could just create the control in one step with CreateControlFromVirtual, but one limitation of such control (i.e. not created from XML) is that it cannot handle "OnUpdate" events.

Dolgubon 03/14/19 10:28 PM

So as I understand it, you want to have the Source Unit line disappear if the player has a combat event trigger? An OnInitialized field in the virtual might work: You could change anchors + hide the source control in it.
But doing it yourself via anchors and SetHidden would probably be the easiest and simplest method.

I think you could also use ApplyTemplateToControl for styling.

I'm pretty sure controls created from Lua can handle OnUpdate. I haven't tried OnUpdate specifically but I have done OnClicked and some others, so I don't see why OnUpdate would be an exception. (control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", functionStuff) should work)

KLISK 03/15/19 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 37387)
A (De)Buff trigger has totally different configuration parameters than a combat event based trigger (the latter does not require a "Source Unit", but target and source parameters, actionResults that the aura should react to, etc.). So the "Trigger Settings" submenu totally changes if the user changes the trigger type form "(De)Buff" to "Combat Event" by using the appropriate combobox. I cannot think of a more elegant way to achieve this than just taking all relevant controls and reanchoring them to hidden pools.

As I wrote earlier, you create an object structure through XML. You will have a template for passing to the pool. And all the parameters and handlers that will change, use SetCustomAcquireBehavior when calling an object from the pool. I don’t know if there is a better way.
@Siri, what do you say?

sirinsidiator 03/15/19 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 37387)
Could you explain a (or probably THE) typical use case for ApplyTemplateToControl() then? I don't see a sense in it if it isnt about replacing controls.

In the vanilla UI it is often used to change the properties of shared controls based on the active ui (keyboard or gamepad).

Letho 03/15/19 10:25 AM

Thanks for all the answers, guys, much appreciated! I will dig myself into SetCustomAcquireBehavior() and see how I can implement it! :)

Kyoma 03/15/19 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dolgubon (Post 37389)
I'm pretty sure controls created from Lua can handle OnUpdate. I haven't tried OnUpdate specifically but I have done OnClicked and some others, so I don't see why OnUpdate would be an exception. (control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", functionStuff) should work)

I do remember having trouble with an OnUpdate event for a toplevel window created through lua but it was a very long time ago so maybe I did something wrong :D

Letho 03/15/19 12:12 PM

They do call <OnUpdate>. Virtual controls DO NOT call <OnInitialized> though, each child control of a virtual has to call the <OnInitialized> functions seperately. That is very strange...

Letho 03/15/19 12:53 PM

A short excerpt from the control pool source:


Originally Posted by ZOS
[...] If your system depends on having well-known names for controls, you should not use the
[control pool templating] function.

Sadly this is the case for my addon :(
So I will probably have to write a lib for it. Very time intense and I am not very experienced in writing performant code :D

merlight 03/15/19 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dolgubon (Post 37389)
I'm pretty sure controls created from Lua can handle OnUpdate. I haven't tried OnUpdate specifically but I have done OnClicked and some others, so I don't see why OnUpdate would be an exception. (control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", functionStuff) should work)

I stand corrected. Controls created via CreateControlFromVirtual() can have "OnUpdate" handler -- either specified in <OnUpdate> element in XML, or set later with control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", ...) -- both ways work.

However, control created via CreateControl() -- I've tested with CT_LABEL -- DOES NOT call handler set via control:SetHandler("OnUpdate", ...).


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 37401)
They do call <OnUpdate>. Virtual controls DO NOT call <OnInitialized> though, each child control of a virtual has to call the <OnInitialized> functions seperately. That is very strange...

Are you sure there wasn't something else going wrong? There are lots of virtual controls with <OnInitialized> code in ZOS UI. I haven't had any problem with OnInitialized on virtual controls in add-ons, either.
For example here:
Had the <OnInitialized> part not been called, I'd be getting "attempt to index a nil value" whenever I try to access control.label member.

KLISK 03/15/19 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Letho
Virtual controls DO NOT call <OnInitialized> though, each child control of a virtual has to call the <OnInitialized> functions seperately. That is very strange...

Here is an example of adding a new control to the pool and hiding the existing one.
<OnInitialized> is called once when an object is created, any global function or Lua code can be placed here.

Xml Code:
  1. <GuiXml>
  2.     <Controls>
  3.         <Control name="IG_PlayerInventorySlot" inherits="ZO_PlayerInventorySlot" virtual="true">
  4.             <Controls>
  5.                 <Label name="$(parent)Name" hidden="true" override="true" />
  6.                 <Backdrop name="$(parent)Backdrop" inherits="ZO_CenterlessBackdrop" tier="LOW" layer="BACKGROUND" hidden="false" override="true">
  7.                     <Edge file="InventoryGrid/Textures/" edgeFileWidth="128" edgeFileHeight="16" />
  8.                     <Center file="InventoryGrid/Textures/" />
  9.                     <OnInitialized>
  10.                         self:SetCenterColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
  11.                         self:SetEdgeColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
  12.                     </OnInitialized>
  13.                 </Backdrop>
  14.             </Controls>
  15.         </Control>
  16.     </Controls>
  17. </GuiXml>

Letho 03/15/19 06:38 PM

Okay, this is the XML that contains the container ("$(parent)_DisplayContainer") where the templates should be applied to:


<TopLevelControl name="AuraMasteryAuraActionsWindow" clampedToScreen="true" mouseEnabled="true" movable="true" tier="1" layer="2" hidden="true">
        <Dimensions x="800" y="600" />
        <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="GuiRoot" relativePoint="CENTER" />
                <Backdrop name="$(parent)_Backdrop" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" />
                <Label name="$(parent)_Label" font="$(BOLD_FONT)|18|soft-shadow-thin" color="C5C29E" text="Trigger Events">
                        <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOP" offsetY="6" />
                <Button name="$(parent)_CloseButton" inherits="ZO_CloseButton">
                <Button name="$(parent)SubCategorySounds" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" text="Animations">                               
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="0" offsetY="42" />
                                WINDOW_MANAGER:ApplyTemplateToControl(self:GetParent():GetNamedChild("_DisplayContainer"), "AM_TEMP_ANIMATIONS")

                <Button name="$(parent)SubCategoryAnimations" inherits="ZO_DefaultButton" text="Sounds">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetX="120" offsetY="42" />
                                WINDOW_MANAGER:ApplyTemplateToControl(self:GetParent():GetNamedChild("_DisplayContainer"), "AM_TEMP_SOUNDS")
                <Control name="$(parent)_DisplayContainer" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="86" />
                        <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" />
<Backdrop name="$(parent)BG" centerColor="00000000" edgeColor="00FF00">
<AnchorFill />
<Edge edgeSize="1" />


This is Template A:

<Control name="AM_TEMP_ANIMATIONS" virtual="true">
                STRANGE: <OnInitialized> is not called for this control, only for it's child controls! Probably because it's a virtual?
                                So we use the lastly initialized control's <OnInitialized>...
                <Label name="$(parent)_LabelTrigger" font="$(BOLD_FONT)|18|soft-shadow-thin" color="C5C29E" text="On Trigger:">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="8" />
                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerAnimationEnabled" inherits="AM_TriggerControl" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="40" />
                                <Button name="$(parent)_Checkbox" inherits="ZO_CheckButton" override="true">
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="-4" />
                                                ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(self, AuraMastery.EditAuraTriggerAnimation)
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Play Screen Flash Animation:")

                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerAnimationColor" inherits="AM_TriggerControl" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="70" />
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Flash Color:")

                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerAnimationEndAlpha" inherits="AM_TriggerControl" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="100" />
                                <Backdrop name="$(parent)_Editbox" inherits="AM_EditBox" override="true">
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="-4" />
                                                local editbox = self:GetNamedChild("_Editbox")
                                                editbox:SetHandler("OnEnter", function() AuraMastery:EditAuraTriggerAnimationEndAlpha(editbox); end)
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Max Flash Transparency:")
                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerAnimationDuration" inherits="AM_TriggerControl" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="130" />
                                <Backdrop name="$(parent)_Editbox" inherits="AM_EditBox" override="true">
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="-4" />
                                                local editbox = self:GetNamedChild("_Editbox")
                                                editbox:SetHandler("OnEnter", function() AuraMastery:EditAuraTriggerAnimationDuration(editbox); end)
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Duration per Flash:")
                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerAnimationLoopCount" inherits="AM_TriggerControl" override="true">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="160" />
                                <Backdrop name="$(parent)_Editbox" inherits="AM_EditBox" override="true">
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="-4" />
                                                local editbox = self:GetNamedChild("_Editbox")
                                                editbox:SetHandler("OnEnter", function() AuraMastery:EditAuraTriggerAnimationLoopCount(editbox); end)
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Number of Flashes:")
                                -- ATTENTION: Always call "AuraMastery.UpdateTriggerAnimationCheckbox()" on the controlSet's control that ist INITIALIZED LASTLY!!!
                                -- This is neccessary because controls are initialized one after another. If this was called on the checkbox's (first control) OnInitialized, the consecutively called update function for the whole control set
                                -- would be called at a time, where the other, consecutive controls are not initialized yet and hence produce errors. This is a bit unlucky but for the time being the only solution that I can think of.
                                -- Calling it OnInitialized on the whole controlSet does not work as the controlSet's parental control is of type virtual and hence does call OnInitialized...
                                local checkbox = self:GetParent():GetNamedChild("_TriggerAnimationEnabled"):GetNamedChild("_Checkbox")

This is Template B:


<!-- TEMPORARY!! -->
<Control name="AM_TEMP_SOUNDS" virtual="true">
                <Label name="$(parent)_LabelTrigger" font="$(BOLD_FONT)|18|soft-shadow-thin" color="C5C29E" text="On Trigger:">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="8" />
                <Control name="$(parent)_TriggerActions" inherits="AM_TriggerControl">
                        <Dimensions x="550" y="28" />
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="36" />
                                <Control name="$(parent)_ScrollableComboBox" inherits="AM_ScrollableComboBox" tier="2">
                                        <Dimensions x="420" y="28" />
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="1" offsetX="1" />
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Play Sound:")
                                deb("OnInitialized called...")
                                deb("OnEffectivelyShown called...")
                                deb("OnEffectivelyHidden called...")

                <Label name="$(parent)_LabelUntrigger" font="$(BOLD_FONT)|18|soft-shadow-thin" color="C5C29E" text="On Untrigger:">
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" anchorPoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="96" />
                <Control name="$(parent)_UntriggerActions" inherits="AM_TriggerControl">
                        <Dimensions x="550" y="28" />
                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" offsetY="120" />
                                <Control name="$(parent)_ScrollableComboBox" inherits="AM_ScrollableComboBox" tier="2">
                                        <Dimensions x="420" y="28" />
                                        <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="1" offsetX="1" />
                                self:GetNamedChild("_Label"):SetText("Play Sound:")
                                deb("OnEffectivelyShown called...")
                                deb("OnEffectivelyHidden called...")

When I hit the first button, template A gets applied to "_DisplayContainer". Whenever I hit the second button and template B gets applied to "_DisplayContainer" aswell, A and B are mixed together, override="true" does not change anything.

Here is a screenshot of what happens after pressing both buttons:

I want Template A to be entirely replaced by Template B and vice versa.

I tested it with template A and template B having only one label control of the same structure just with different texts. It worked flawlessly. Override="true" was only neccessary if the header B had some other attributes, etc.

As I see it, you cannot overwrite one control with a different control type.

merlight 03/15/19 08:03 PM

As for the comment "STRANGE: <OnInitialized> is not called for this control, ..."

ApplyTemplateToControl does not create the target control -- it must've been created previously (and its OnInitialized handler called, if it had any) -- I think that's why it doesn't call the template's top-level <OnInitialized> handler (it would be called if you used the template to CreateControlFromVirtual). The template's children that didn't exist on the target control actually do get created by ApplyTemplateToControl, so their <OnInitialized> get called.

Anyway, I think you're trying to use ApplyTemplateToControl for something it's not been intended for. There's no way to remove a control from the UI once it's been created. It can be repurposed or hidden, but it's there until /reloadui.

I suggest you create a distinct control container for each mode and switch between them by showing one and hiding the other.

Letho 03/16/19 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by merlight (Post 37409)
As for the comment "STRANGE: <OnInitialized> is not called for this control, ..."

ApplyTemplateToControl does not create the target control -- it must've been created previously (and its OnInitialized handler called, if it had any) -- I think that's why it doesn't call the template's top-level <OnInitialized> handler (it would be called if you used the template to CreateControlFromVirtual). The template's children that didn't exist on the target control actually do get created by ApplyTemplateToControl, so their <OnInitialized> get called.

Anyway, I think you're trying to use ApplyTemplateToControl for something it's not been intended for. There's no way to remove a control from the UI once it's been created. It can be repurposed or hidden, but it's there until /reloadui.

I suggest you create a distinct control container for each mode and switch between them by showing one and hiding the other.

Thanks for the clarification, merlight! I decided to wirte LibTemplate for that purpose. Concerning the initialization: I put a zo_callLater(d("I am a template"),2000) into the applied TLW's onInitialized - never shows. So templates that are applied to other controls seem to never fire their onInitialized.

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