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penniopolis 05/08/19 03:25 PM

Master Merchant Logs me out
For several days now everytime I have Master Merchant installed it logs me out while downloading sales. I've tried everything I can think of. Uninstalling MM. Deleting variables. Begging. Yelling. I'm all out of ideas.

Everything is updated and yes, I even tried restarting the computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Baertram 05/09/19 06:16 AM

This is done due to message spam ingame in the process of the scan.
You need to check the MM settings ingame to see if there is something like a "delay" or "wait time" for the scans and increase this.

If this does not work:

And before login you might need to backup and rename your MM SavedVariables files in order to let them be build new.

penniopolis 05/09/19 01:54 PM

I've set the delay for as long as I can. And I've tried with a fresh MM install that does not have any saved variables. Neither worked.

Baertram 05/09/19 05:20 PM

Did you try to disable ALL OTHER addons and librariues (unneeded ones) to check if it might be another addon then?
Just a guess but sometimes it helps.

penniopolis 05/15/19 08:27 AM

That was it. Uninstalled Leo's Guild Manager and now it is working fine. I'm guessing the 2 of them together along with Raffle Gold Tally was just too much at login. Luckily I don't need the manager to track what I need to for my guild.

Baertram 05/16/19 01:51 AM

Glad this helped. It's a good approach to test what is the problem: Disable all others.

Please be so kind and inform the Master Merchant and Leo addon authors about the problem via the addon comments of the affected addons. I bet they can work something out to fix it, if they know about the problem ;)

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