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Solvaring 05/28/17 02:55 AM

ESOUI Discord
Can we please have an Official ESOUI Discord server?

I'm currently expanding my programmers skill set learning Lua, having done Python for almost 2 years it's time for me to branch out. I really want to make an addon for ESO.

I would love a discord where we can communicate and discuss in real-time about addons, addon ideas, the development/coding/programming of addons, the API, and patch notes/changes to the api and game itself.

sirinsidiator 05/28/17 03:09 AM

We already have a gitter channel, which is better suited for developer chat. If you are just getting started, you should also read this guide and do some of the tutorials on the wiki. It will answer a lot of your questions.

Solvaring 05/28/17 03:13 AM

Thank you!

Harven 05/30/17 05:12 AM

I created discord server for addons related discussions. The reason I did that is not everyone likes github (yes! that's true, I don't like github nor git itself nor anything related to git :P), not every player/addon author is willing to create github accout and many people already have discord account. I think discord is more players friendly than gitter and since we create our addons for players, discord seems to be good place to have some players - authors conversations. So please come in and tell your friends!

There is a role for addon authors (no special privileges, just to know who is an author) so let me know if are (link your esoui author page).

iwontsay 05/30/17 05:40 AM

The other way round works, too. I do have a github account (not just for Addon coding), no Discord account and little incentive to create one. Not for just one "realm" I'm working in.

As far as I see there is an IRC channel on Freenode (though with no activity, as far as I've seen) and a gitter channel (quite frequented).

Harven 05/30/17 05:49 AM

That's right iwontsay, but like sirinsidiator said, gitter is better suited for developer chat. Didn't know IRC channel is still alive, it was very active at beginning.

Ayantir 05/30/17 06:03 AM

even if I use discord for gaming purposes, I do think it's not really needed for our usage.. :/

this forum and gitter seems be the most adequate solution for now.

what does gitter users think about it?

Harven 05/30/17 06:27 AM

The point is I believe more people use discord than gitter and I'm not forcing anyone to leave gitter. Gitter is good for developers and code related chat since it's integrated with github. Discord on the other hand is a good place to communicate with players because many players use it anyway. They will not bother to create github account just to ask something and then never use it again.

Scootworks 05/30/17 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 31215)
even if I use discord for gaming purposes, I do think it's not really needed for our usage.. :/

this forum and gitter seems be the most adequate solution for now.

what does gitter users think about it?

gitter is good to post codes and this stuff... personally i like discord more. i can stay connected with my phone/pad/computer as well

Ayantir 05/30/17 08:36 AM

Sorry, but gitter is not for users.
it's for devs or willing people wanting to start coding.

It's a quiet place where we can talk about coding with a certain level of comprehension, our life and dozen of others things without being disturbed by random user remarks. (like "REQUEST FEATURE", "NEWB DEV", "ADDON NOT UPDATED", "GO WORK SLAVE".)

If a user wanna talk to me, he leave a comment on the addon comment page, he don't come disturb me while i'm on gitter.

ps: I'm also receiving some love messages in my esoui/official forums/ingame mailboxes and even sometimes friendship requests or direct pm's while ingame you know. and sometimes love is not "in the air".

I'm not against moving on discord, but I just don't want "users" in there just for earring what I already know.

Ayantir, the french grouchy

Letho 05/30/17 09:13 AM

^this. Gitter is and should stay devs only (although i am a noob coder lol).
Discord is fine for communicating with the player base, don't think they will interfere with each other, so why not :)

Dolgubon 05/30/17 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Scootworks (Post 31218)
gitter is good to post codes and this stuff... personally i like discord more. i can stay connected with my phone/pad/computer as well

I have Gitter on my phone too. It's an android so maybe it's not on iphone, but you might want to check.

Dolby 05/30/17 04:29 PM

We can certainly make an official ESOUI Discord channel. I just was hesitant because I don't want to split up the author community.

Maybe the Discord could/should be more user focused and keep the gitter dev focused like it is now.

BTW gitter does have a nice iphone app too. notifications work, etc.

iwontsay 05/30/17 10:25 PM

Splitting up the community even further was sort of my fear, too. But I do see the point to have a (the?) Discord channel more focused to developer/user interaction rather than developer talk.

Ayantir 05/31/17 02:27 AM

and what this forum is intended for?.. and addon comments?..

Harven 05/31/17 04:44 AM

There are already some people in the "unofficial" discord server so I don't see a reason to create "official" one. Besides I'm offended to "official" things... anyone remembers official esoui in-game guild for addon authors? It's called Arcane Scripters Guild. Not sure about NA but EU one is abandoned by it's creators and no one else have privileges to maintain it. I will also leave it soon as it's currently only wasting one guild slot. I know you guys (MMOUI staff) have lots of things to take care of so it would be better for us (addon authors especially) if you leave some things to the community. In the discord server there is already a separate channel for automatic messages about new/updated addons (fetched by RSS bot) and patch notes from official eso forums.

Ayantir, there are some people (like me :P) who don't check forum/addons comments very ofter. But I'm almost allways available on Discord. Also as I said I'm not forcing anyone to "move" anywhere. You can be here and there, or only here, or only there ;) That's your decision. Since you don't like to be disturbed by players you can stay on gitter and maybe visit discord from time to time to say hi ;)

Dolgubon 05/31/17 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Harven (Post 31237)
There are already some people in the "unofficial" discord server so I don't see a reason to create "official" one. Besides I'm offended to "official" things... anyone remembers official esoui in-game guild for addon authors? It's called Arcane Scripters Guild. Not sure about NA but EU one is abandoned by it's creators and no one else have privileges to maintain it. I will also leave it soon as it's currently only wasting one guild slot. I know you guys (MMOUI staff) have lots of things to take care of so it would be better for us (addon authors especially) if you leave some things to the community. In the discord server there is already a separate channel for automatic messages about new/updated addons (fetched by RSS bot) and patch notes from official eso forums.

Ayantir, there are some people (like me :P) who don't check forum/addons comments very ofter. But I'm almost allways available on Discord. Also as I said I'm not forcing anyone to "move" anywhere. You can be here and there, or only here, or only there ;) That's your decision. Since you don't like to be disturbed by players you can stay on gitter and maybe visit discord from time to time to say hi ;)

There was an NA one?

Ayantir 05/31/17 08:49 AM

You know I'm on discord almost 24/7. so I'll add it.. ^^

And it's more for users than for me, legends says that I'm scaring people when it comes to dev :D

Randactyl 05/31/17 10:32 PM

I'd be more in favor of an official ESOUI Discord server rather than one run by the authors (or single author) if the purpose is to be more user focused. I'm not crazy about one or a handful of authors moderating a general user forum. Author moderation has been okay for Gitter because there aren't any users and we don't do anything crazy.

In my opinion it is much more likely that a community owned Discord server becomes abandoned than one owned by Dolby or Cairenn or some other MMOUI staff. Just look at one of the 618 addons in Discontinued and Outdated.

As for use, an official one can be advertised on the website. Anyone who chooses to join would certainly be more connected. There are benefits for authors and users to be in a more instantly connected environment. For authors, Reddit and these forums generally move too slowly to whip up an impromptu beta test or to gather a sample of saved variables. For users, it is sometimes easier to provide specific support through voice chat.

If you build another treehouse, there is going to be some fraction of the user base that splinters off from the established channels. If this is going to happen, I think it should be in an official capacity so it has maximum exposure and an air of legitimacy.

Solinur 06/01/17 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 31240)
You know I'm on discord almost 24/7. so I'll add it.. ^^

And it's more for users than for me, legends says that I'm scaring people when it comes to dev :D

That's fine, it's a good filter to test their devotion :D

I don't mind either way. I guess even an unofficial server could get poromoted at the website, right?

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