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-   -   We need onslaught debuff alert/warning add on (

silver1surfer69 09/01/19 06:24 PM

We need onslaught debuff alert/warning add on / or fit into Srendarr
We need something that shows that we got hit by the 2H Ult Onslaught and that the physical and spell resistance against direct attacks from this attacker is now at 0 !!! for 12 sec. Or at least something that shows that we have this actual debuff for 12 sec on us. As far as i know, Srendarr isnt showing it at the time i write this. Sadly i dont know how to write an add on. Im sure many of u have this problem in pvp, that u are extremely vulnerable after onslaught and die almost instant. Can someone or the genious author of Srendarr help?

silver1surfer69 09/01/19 06:39 PM

i am aware that the category this thread is in is not optimal, but i didnt manage to change the category or delete the whole thread and i didnt wanted to start the same thread again in the better category (that is: AddOn search/request).

Baertram 09/02/19 02:30 AM

If it is a buff on your char you can enable the debug setting in Srendarr to show the buff/ability I'd in your character buffs. It will then be written in the character buffs (press c and scroll down) like this [123456]Onslaught or whatever the debuff is named. Copy the ID from between the
[] then to one of your Srendarr buff bars (e.g. enable buff bar 7,move it somewhere on screen you like to see the special buffs) to show it as it happens and that's it.

silver1surfer69 09/02/19 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39108)
If it is a buff on your char you can enable the debug setting in Srendarr to show the buff/ability I'd in your character buffs. It will then be written in the character buffs (press c and scroll down) like this [123456]Onslaught or whatever the debuff is named. Copy the ID from between the
[] then to one of your Srendarr buff bars (e.g. enable buff bar 7,move it somewhere on screen you like to see the special buffs) to show it as it happens and that's it.

Thank you. Thats how im doing it with all my other stuff. I will test today if the debuff is included in srendarr already. As far as i know, this is not working with debuffs, only with buffs. So i guess this will be no solution, but will test today, thx.

ArtOfShred 09/02/19 08:10 AM

Onslaught isn't a debuff, it's a buff on the enemy player. You wouldn't be able to see it on yourself or see it on the enemy player in PVP areas since enemy buffs are hidden.

Baertram 09/02/19 08:31 AM

Okay so one cannot see it on other players, but isn't the buff shown on yourself if you get it from another player?
You coudl test this by enabling vanilla UI buffs on yourself in the settings and test it with a friend in a duell.

So at least your own vulnerability should be trackable via Srendar or other addons then.
And this should be trackable via enabling the debug info in Srendar and check the [123456] id on your buffs.

UESP data about it:

Data about skill ids/buff ids for the search term "onslaught". Maybe the name of the buff is different though?!

83229 minedSkills Onslaught Strike at an enemy with a vicious blow, dealing |cffffff1478|r Physical Damage to them and all nearby enemies. This attack ignores the target's Resistance and grants you Physical and Spell Penetration for your Direct Damage attacks equal to the amount ignored from the initial target for |cffffff9|r seconds.

86278 minedSkills Onslaught Strike at an enemy with a vicious blow, dealing |cffffff1478|r Physical Damage to them and all nearby enemies. This attack ignores the target's Resistance and grants you Physical and Spell Penetration for your Direct Damage attacks equal to the amount ignored from the initial target for |cffffff10|r seconds.

86281 minedSkills Onslaught Strike at an enemy with a vicious blow, dealing |cffffff1478|r Physical Damage to them and all nearby enemies. This attack ignores the target's Resistance and grants you Physical and Spell Penetration for your Direct Damage attacks equal to the amount ignored from the initial target for |cffffff11|r seconds.

86284 minedSkills Onslaught Strike at an enemy with a vicious blow, dealing |cffffff1478|r Physical Damage to them and all nearby enemies. This attack ignores the target's Resistance and grants you Physical and Spell Penetration for your Direct Damage attacks equal to the amount ignored from the initial target for |cffffff12|r seconds.

83230 minedSkills Onslaught
83231 minedSkills Onslaught
83345 minedSkills Onslaught Passive
83346 minedSkills Onslaught
86279 minedSkills Onslaught
86280 minedSkills Onslaught
86282 minedSkills Onslaught
86283 minedSkills Onslaught
86285 minedSkills Onslaught
86286 minedSkills Onslaught
95263 minedSkills Onslaught
95353 minedSkills Onslaught
126497 minedSkills Onslaught

Maybe one of the 83 or 86, 95 or 126 ids is the buff you are looking for.

silver1surfer69 09/02/19 08:53 AM

from my game recordings of the last days i remember that it doesnt show a debuff on me. back in the day there was an addon that shows an alert, i think it was for mechanical acuity or something like that.

Baertram 09/02/19 09:13 AM

Yep, works the same like described here. Checks your buffs and shows textures then.
But if you got no buff on yourself, there is no way to detect it.
Especially if some other player uses the ability and you get the buff then (without showing it in yoru buffs).

If yourself uses the skill one could track this and "assume some stuff" like show a texture that the debuff is active
on your target which was below your crosshair as you have used the skill.
But even this is not fail safe and hard to implement.

silver1surfer69 09/02/19 03:06 PM

Thanks for your insight. The buff (of the attacker) is pretty strong, so i can imagine ZOS taking it back a bit, but if not, with some time passed, i can imagine many people crying for something like that (any kind of being able to see the own vulnerability). Its like you have major fractor and breach on you but times 5.

silver1surfer69 09/02/19 03:10 PM

Oh and eg combat metrics shows you the amount of penetration you got from onslaught in the post fight log window, so the game is registering it in a way - maybe it is possible to show that in a way. (It always shows my own max resistance as max penetration, so im not sure if this is actual and correct, maybe a bug)

Baertram 09/03/19 06:17 AM

Sounds like a bug then.
Maybe ask the author in the addon commetns how he tarcks the onslaught stuff and if there would be a way to also tarck this via Srrendarr or other tracking addons like AuraMastery etc.


Originally Posted by silver1surfer69 (Post 39123)
Oh and eg combat metrics shows you the amount of penetration you got from onslaught in the post fight log window, so the game is registering it in a way - maybe it is possible to show that in a way. (It always shows my own max resistance as max penetration, so im not sure if this is actual and correct, maybe a bug)

ArtOfShred 09/04/19 09:25 AM

You could setup a way to get an alert for someone using Onslaught on you by detecting the incoming damage combat events from Onslaught:
83229 - Single target hit
126497 - AOE target hit
Could trigger like an 12 sec warning with the name of the player by saving the sourceName for the attack and then creating a dummy buff / indicator of some sort.

silver1surfer69 09/05/19 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by ArtOfShred (Post 39138)
You could setup a way to get an alert for someone using Onslaught on you by detecting the incoming damage combat events from Onslaught:
83229 - Single target hit
126497 - AOE target hit
Could trigger like an 12 sec warning with the name of the player by saving the sourceName for the attack and then creating a dummy buff / indicator of some sort.

Great, ty! As said, i never wrote an addon and dont know how to do it:( Maybe someone can pick this insight up as a starting point? That would be awesome!

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