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sirinsidiator 04/15/24 12:44 PM

Update 42 (Version 10.0)
The PTS cycle for the next chapter "Gold Road" has begun.

Notable Changes
  • New API Version: 101042
  • New story zone, trial, crafting sets, companions, combat balancing changes etc.
  • New game system "Scribing" - customizable combat skills
  • New HDR support, character detail options and environmental sustainability features
  • Mail system improvements
  • Guild history improvements


║ Date      ║ Patch Notes            ║ Code Changes ║
║ 2024-04-15 ║ PTS Patch Notes 10.0.0  ║ from 9.3.7  ║
║ 2024-04-22 ║ PTS Patch Notes 10.0.1  ║ from 10.0.0  ║
║ 2024-04-29 ║ PTS Patch Notes 10.0.2  ║ from 10.0.1  ║
║ 2024-05-06 ║ PTS Patch Notes 10.0.3  ║ from 10.0.2  ║
║ 2024-05-13 ║ PTS Patch Notes 10.0.4  ║ from 10.0.3  ║
║ 2024-05-20 ║                No Update              ║
║ 2024-05-27 ║                No Update              ║
║ 2024-06-03 ║ Live Patch Notes 10.0.5from 10.0.4  ║
║            ║                        ║ from 9.3.9  ║

In case you are stuck on some update related problem, have some quick questions about a new features or need help testing something on the PTS, feel free to post your question in this thread or drop by our Matrix channel and ask!

I'll edit the OP with more useful information as you post it and add the links as they become available.

ZOS_DanBatson 04/15/24 06:14 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Regarding Scribing APIs, some notes that might help (hopefully). While these rules may not be completely universally followed, we did our best to ensure they were (and again, I'm specifically referring to the code):

Scribe/Scribing - Refers to either the system, the station, the act of crafting, or the final product (scribed skills)
CraftedAbility - Code word for "Grimoire"
CraftedAbilityScript - Code word for "Script"
Ink/ScribingInk - Code word for "Luminous Ink"
You unlock CraftedAbility's and CraftedAbilityScript's (much like recipes/motifs), and you Scribe them together at the Scribing Altar spending Ink to create Scribed Skills/Abilities that you put on your bar via the Skills Menu.

There's a lot to the APIs and it's a bit of a rats nest, but hopefully those rules of thumb will help in navigating the names. Note that, to the best of our ability, the word CraftedAbility in the code does not refer to the final product. It refers to the Grimoire.

ZOS_DanBatson 04/15/24 06:17 PM

Another note: some more fixes/improvements came in for Guild History, and even more are on the way. We're continuing to work with Sirinsidiator and Sharlikran and fixing all the issues that crop up as fast as we can reproduce and identify them, and to make modifications based on feedback from LibHistorie and MM. We'll keep plugging away at it until it's rock solid.

Sharlikran 04/15/24 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 49829)
Matrix channel and ask!

The Matrix is a myth. Trust me I took the red pill.

Anthonysc 04/15/24 06:59 PM

Hey Dan, are there more changes still to come around the Battleground Alliance -> Battleground Team nomenclature change? I know there were some other functions (like GetBattlegroundAllianceColor) that were missed in this pass

cyby89 04/17/24 05:30 AM

What is the difference?

* IsZoneStoryTracked()
* IsZoneStoryAssisted()

ZOS_DanBatson 04/17/24 12:26 PM

* IsZoneStoryTracked() - You are following it and it'll show up on your map, but it's not the one that shows up in the HUD Quest Tracker and it doesn't superscede the assisted quest
* IsZoneStoryAssisted() - It's the primary thing, so it's what you see in the HUD and it supersceded assisted quests.

Basically, instead of Zone Story being all or nothing you're either doing this or you're doing quests, it's now treated like it's part of the "Press T to cycle your quest" rotation while you're tracking it, like any other tracked quest is.

ZOS_DanBatson 05/20/24 08:10 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Updated docs

adghar 06/03/24 04:42 PM

Sorry if not correct place to ask this.

I'm trying to troubleshoot S'rendarr addon broken with U42. Author is having personal life issues so I don't want to pressure him to push a fix ASAP. The error I'm getting is:
Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/Srendarr/AuraData.lua:437: operator / is not supported for nil / number
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/Srendarr/AuraData.lua:437: in function '(main chunk)'

It looks like root cause is update to GetAbilityName function signature - it now requires string casterUnitTag where it used to only require integer abilityId(?).

How can we determine the correct casterUnitTag for a given GetAbilityName (or other updated function) call?

Baertram 06/03/24 05:15 PM

unitTags normally are tags like "player" (yourself) or "group1", "group2", ... "group".. index for the group members (maybe that companions count as group .. n too but not sure anymore if they got a dedicated tag)

GetAbilityName does not need any unitTag though, even ZOs code does not use any, only the abilityId (1 param).
But many other GetABility* functions use the casterUnitTag now, e.g.
function GetAbilityCastInfo(abilityId, overrideRank, casterUnitTag) end
According to Zos code it can be e.g. "player", example here:


function ZO_Tooltip:AddAbilityStats(abilityId, overrideActiveRank, overrideCasterUnitTag)
        overrideCasterUnitTag = overrideCasterUnitTag or "player"

adghar 06/03/24 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 50122)
But many other GetABility* functions use the casterUnitTag now, e.g.
function GetAbilityCastInfo(abilityId, overrideRank, casterUnitTag) end

Thanks! Yeah sorry, I misread the code and it looks like GetAbilityDuration might be the one having issues. Based on the "stack trace" the offending line should be:

        [42712] = {duration = GetAbilityDuration(42712) / 1000, icon = '/esoui/art/icons/'},                                -- Trap Beast II
So maybe not a casterUnitTag issue, but an issue with re-arranged skill IDs? Is there any up-to-date way to fetch skill IDs? (my google results only found most recent 2019 things, like, and doubt if they still work)

EDIT: Found out the author already accounted for this in a recent update. Thought I had the most up-to-date version - silly mistake on my part.

Baertram 06/26/24 08:52 AM

Jewelry research - Change of researchLineIndex?
Hi Dan,

was the researchLineIndex changed for Jewelry Crafting?
So EQUIP_TYPE_NECK is 2 now and EQUIP_TYPE_RING is 1 now (was the other way around before).

Or what did change where for the jewelry crafting research?

Edit - Answer by ZOs:

(ZOS) SethL
It looks like they may have swapped them in data to make the order match up with the create screen

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