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Sounomi 12/16/16 07:03 AM

[outdated] Gamepad lists need a setup callback
So I've started to work on updating some add-ons I've been working on for awhile now to handle the gamepad interface as well as the standard keyboard/mouse interface. However, I've found that much of the interface is built using the "ZO_Gamepad_ParametricList" and unlike the list class for the keyboard interface, it doesn't seem to have the ability to set a callback function for an entry in the list is created unless a subclass is used and that subclass provides one itself. So far, I've only found the crafting bag inventory list to do that.

I've tried to work around this by hooking straight into the template setup functions but this ultimately causes problems in cases where private and protected functions are used as the game winds up seeing things as insecure code now, even in places away from where I modified things. For instance, if I do this with the inventory list and navigate back to the main menu, it breaks the crowns listing. It also winds up breaking the "Use" keybind on usable items too.

So it'd be really awesome if you could add the ability for us to use a callback for when a list entry is generated in the gamepad interface as well. The keyboard list class appears to provide a reference to the entry's control as well as its entry data. I'd like a similar approach for the gamepad list class too, if at all possible.

Sounomi 01/02/17 03:35 AM

Upon further digging around I've found that hooking into "ZO_GamepadInventory:OnDeferredInitialize" causes the errors when going back to the main menu from the inventory screen. Further investigation pin pointed the problem to being with the call to "InitializeCategoryList." If I just hook into what I need to from that function, only the issue with certain actions persists. I did find a way around that problem but the issue with certain things requiring protected functions worries me that it may be too much of a problem on the user if they need to do those things while in combat (mostly combat induced by someone else in the group being in combat).

So while I've gotten around the main problem, I'd still like the ability to know when an entry is set up so I can modify it without causing the existing code to break.

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