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Aetheron 12/24/16 01:28 PM

Targeting information functions
I'm currently adding two new modes to Combat Reticle to allow you to customize your reticle when targeting hostile and friendly targets while in combat. (Currently there is only one reticle for combat.) The idea is that this would allow you to better aim at enemies for damage, or friendlies for healing, or just to filter-out friendlies in zerg-mode. I have this in beta testing now, but my question concerns target information functions.

For friendlies I'm using the DoesUnitExist("reticleoverplayer") function and it seems to be very generous about when the reticle is over a player - as in you just need to be close. On the other hand, for enemies I'm using IsUnitAttackable( "reticleover" ) and it requires the reticle to be much closer to the target. So, how close do you need to be with your aiming for damage and heals to hit their mark? And does anyone have opinions as to whether these are the appropriate functions to be using? (I use both of these functions in other places for interactive and hostile tests while not in combat.)


Rhyono 12/24/16 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Aetheron (Post 29213)
So, how close do you need to be with your aiming for damage and heals to hit their mark?

That depends heavily on many things: melee versus bow/staff. Light attack versus ability. Abilities of differing distance, etc. So the range at which you can damage or heal varies so much that there isn't any good way of it predicting if you're close enough for X because you might really want to do Y or Z.

Aetheron 12/25/16 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 29214)
That depends heavily on many things: melee versus bow/staff. Light attack versus ability. Abilities of differing distance, etc. So the range at which you can damage or heal varies so much that there isn't any good way of it predicting if you're close enough for X because you might really want to do Y or Z.

I'm asking about the angular distance between the reticle and target, not the linear distance between player and target. So, I'm trying to figure out how well you need to aim in order for heals/damage abilities to hit (not for AOEs of course).


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