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Hoft 02/20/17 02:13 AM

Animation effect on player
How to set any skill animation effect on player?

Baertram 02/21/17 08:54 AM

We don't have access to any effects shown in the 3d renderer afaik
You could only check if a skill was executed and show a texture control somwhere on the gui

Hoft 02/21/17 11:23 PM

I saw add-on, that show texture effect on player. I need to draw circle around player character to show detection radius when stealth. And idk how to do this just by ui texture...

HowellQagan 06/01/20 12:44 PM

I've searched for "detection" in Addons and since I found nothing I found this. So I'm still wondering, is this possible to do? (sorry for necroing)

Baertram 06/01/20 12:50 PM

There are some addons like Provinatus I think which shows an arrow pointing to the group leader
or a resurrection addon of Dryzzler drawing an arrow to point to the group member who is dead.

So maybe it is possible but I'm not sure if INSIDE dungeons e.g. Normally ZOs has prevented to use 3d stuff inside dungeons and Cyrodiil.
In overland it works already as Harvestmap shows for the harvest node 3d textures on the UI.

Not sure what the performace loss will be if there are a lot 3d textures on the screen though.

Oh and back to the question with the player surrounding detection range:
I doubt this is possible. But maybe it is. There are libs that can do some maths for a range or width. If the detection radius can be calculated by API functions one maybe could draw a 3d control around the actual player position. Not sure though.
It would be hard to update on each movement etc. I think, like jumping and so on.
And also it would be unfair if possible and not ALL would be using it. It's more fun to "guess" the detection radius I'd say.

Same like the buff info of players attacking you in Cyrodiil could be read as they started the attack and ppl knew they had to block before the arrow hits you.
resulted into API function nerfs by ZOs. So I wouldn't create such a stealth radius addon to risk API nerfs again!

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