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yvette 03/05/15 11:25 AM

MyXPView Update

is anyone able to update MyXPView to 1.6 and champion levels ?

would be awesome :)
i will donate ingame gold on eu server for an update :)

Baertram 03/05/15 11:43 AM

For the moment you could try this addon as a replacement:

yvette 03/06/15 04:54 PM

i tried that.

that is nothing in compare to MyXPView.

it only shows the xp you got. like lootdrop does :)

Randactyl 03/06/15 06:57 PM

ins:Mobs2Level has many options to set via slash commands.

my preference is /m2l set output 999

Though, I think it is having trouble at maxed v14 currently.

yvette 03/07/15 06:17 AM

and it is also not compatibel with champion ranks.

so can we stick to the topic and find someone who can update MyXPView ?

i will donate a great amount of gold on eu server !

Garkin 03/10/15 08:45 PM

If you are VR14 with capped XPs, this version will show CP instead of XP:

yvette 03/11/15 12:50 AM

garkin you are the best !!!!

i send you your well earned great amount of godl on the eu server :)

Edda 03/11/15 10:28 AM

Im sorry Yvette but im pissed :(

You don't realize the amount of time I put in MXPV. Garkin prolly put 10 minutes to fix it.

This is just not fair. Not gonna whine on money (I don't even play ESO anymore) but someone comes with a 10 minutes fix and gets more than the dude ever got combined for an addon he spent countless hours working on.

I don't know if you realize how totally unfair this is. And yeah I don't need your money but you're just not encouraging addon development.

Next time go put the sugar on the addon's dev front page instead of hiring some bounty hunter for undeserved insane amounts on money.

Oh and yeah Garkin did a good job a updating this addon, not criticizing that.

That's right im pissed :mad:

Ayantir 03/11/15 10:30 AM

/hugs Edda :)

Edda 03/11/15 10:32 AM

I don't need anyone's hugs I need this lady to realize how totally stupid and unfair she is. Im disgusted.

FU can I afford ? LOL

People can't think these days im rly sad for you.

Edda 03/11/15 11:38 AM

Why did you remove the picture Garkin ?

You should have removed it from tinypic too.

So im reposting it to make my point. By the way too bad you took the effort to strip yvette's account name, she could have woken up naked and her gear sold to junk. Lol ?

I think im less pissed now <3

So that everyone knows, the 100k was worth the effort of adding about 5 lines of code in my addon. The new Menu Intergration wasn't mandatory, I guess it was a gift from The Master <3

yvette 03/12/15 02:00 AM

well your answer when i aswked you for an update:

i don't want to waste time on this.

nothing more to say !

Baertram 03/12/15 01:21 PM

Your answer makes no sense for me as he/she "wasted time" before to build the addon for you, and others and he/she isn#t playing the game anymore :confused:

I understand what you mean, I think, but consider how addon developers feel if you honor a small fix more then the initial idea, work and solution that was done to build the base that CAN be fixed ;)

I did not check the addon's comments and I don't know if you have thanked Edda by mail or whatever communication methods before. But by Edda's reaction I guess you didn't.


Originally Posted by yvette (Post 19541)
well your answer when i aswked you for an update:

i don't want to waste time on this.

nothing more to say !

Edda 03/16/15 02:06 AM

Nope she didn't. All praise to the :banana: Holy Garkin :banana:.

Baertram 03/16/15 12:41 PM

Ok, we got it now Edda. But will you please stop blaming Garkin for just helping then.:mad:
Even if it's sarcastic or not ppl may be mislead or get the wrong impression by your comments.
We know you are pissed but it was not his fault at all.

It's like normal live: Wrong place, wrong person who wanted to help.

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