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ariloum 09/28/18 07:52 AM

hijaked and blanked great addon
Hello, I was using one addon I liked for pretty long but yesterday the developer guy that is controlled it for the moment just deleted the addon's code and it's directory is blank now.

And now addon's text have some marketing about similar addon.

Also that person deletes all comments. That guy is registered for a short period of a few months and got 0 messages.

Pls help - something goes wrong here.

Addon page

by: zsban
This addon was made to support my personal inventory management workflow before Inventory Insight had FCO Itemsaver integration.

Now that an official integration exists I recommend to use that one.

FreddyyKruger 09/28/18 08:25 AM

I was using this Addon too. And I was shocked that it isn't there anymore.
Someone help resolve this problem, PLEASE

Marazota 09/28/18 08:25 AM

i suspect author of addon was hacked or smthing, and hacker changed the developer of addon to another user and deleting the addon? Carienn must investigate

Dolby 09/28/18 08:41 AM

The developer was not hacked. He said he did not mean to delete it for people who already have it. He wanted to remove it for new downloads which is not possible. Since the archives were deleted too I can't restore it so its up to the author to re-upload at this point.

ariloum 09/28/18 11:03 AM

In this case I guess he will not mind if someone reupload it and continue developing?
Why did he deleted all messages previuosly from the addon comments section?

All this situation looks strange for me.

Dolby 09/28/18 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by ariloum (Post 36175)
In this case I guess he will not mind if I someone reupload it and continue developing?
Why did he deleted all messages previuosly from the addon comments section?

All this situation looks strange for me.

I don't understand that logic, if he pulled it from our site why would he want some one elese to re-upload it? Also if there is no defined copyright it defaults to all rights reserved.

SDPhantom 09/28/18 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by ariloum (Post 36175)
In this case I guess he will not mind if someone reupload it and continue developing?

Assumptions don't hold up in court. As Dolby mentioned, unauthorized fan uploads breach copyright law. Even if the author doesn't specify a license, there are default terms that the code would fall under. Anyone wanting to take over maintaining an addon needs to contact the original author for explicit permission.


Originally Posted by ariloum (Post 36175)
Why did he deleted all messages previuosly from the addon comments section?

All this situation looks strange for me.

Authors abandon projects all the time. Reasons vary, but it's still their decision to make. Most just post a message describing the state of the addon on the front page. Others PM the staff to remove an addon from the site entirely. I can only imagine in this case, the original author didn't know how to go about this process and made several mistakes along the way.

Baertram 09/28/18 08:38 PM

There was only one mistake and someone told him it would work in another way (addon update). Bad luck, like he wrote in the addon's comments.

But the addon description was telling about the "state of the addon" (build for him alone and published as other addons did not provide the features he liked. As other addons provide it now his addon is not needed anymore) since months, I was told.
So one could have noticed and read it if one would check the addon description / changelof before updating it.

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