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Akeris 07/16/19 05:20 AM

FTC problem with new toon
Hi guys,

I just came back on the game after a long break and have some trouble with FTC addon.

Everything is update to the last version, addons and libraries. FTC work well on all my old toon. But I decided to create a new one (a warden), and on this one FTC isn't working. I've got the following screen.

Somebody know what to do ?

Thanks for your help.

Baertram 07/16/19 05:36 AM

Are you usign this version?

If not test it. And if the error persists:
I'd recommand you post this to the addon's comments in order to let the developer fix this in the addon.

Akeris 07/16/19 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 38621)
Are you usign this version?

If not test it. And if the error persists:
I'd recommand you post this to the addon's comments in order to let the developer fix this in the addon.

Yes, this is the same version.

I just right-click on the addon in minion => reinstall => everything works again ...

I'm such a fool :x ...


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