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11/06/14, 12:43 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by Dolby View Post
Please just post your suggestions as new threads here like you have. We look at them and create tickets in our jira backlog for them.

1. You can do this already, look in the "sort by" drop down box.

2. Not sure what you're talking about here? AddOn's are flagged as compatible with versions of the game. AddOns that don't have a 1.5 flag are out of date. We have a feature coming soon where you can only display addons under findmore that are flagged as compatible with the latest patch.

3. Good idea, thanks.
Thanks much for the reply; it's good to know what we're supposed to do. FYI, regarding suggestions 1&2 above, this had to do with what data is displayed for the addons in the main list, whether installed or finding more. (I realize we can also sort by 'latest' but this meets a different need.) When scanning through a long list (I have 88 add-ons in my list) it would be great to have that extra visual feedback about addons that may be problems. The visual feedback used to flag pending updates is great; similar feedback for aging and obsolete entries would help draw attention to them. Thanks again for a great tool.
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