Thread: Minimap
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03/23/14, 05:48 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 2

Not sure why this has not been requested yet (or maybe my search-fu is weak) but the ability to have a minimap on the main screen. This is a standard for most MMOs (and games in a 3d world in general). It does not need to be feature filled. Fixed zoom level is fine and it's intended use is to have a tactical, local navigation at its heart. Movable on the screen to suit the players preference would be good plus as well. It does not need to show mobs, or any additional info, just the player centred and updating as they move.

The current map is great for figuring out where to go next in a general sense, but navigating the immediate roads and surroundings is NOT easy using just the compass points and is done by constantly swapping back and forth between map and game world.

I have no idea if this is possible, but it is certainly desired by myself and the groups of folks I tend to play with.
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