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04/29/15, 11:39 AM   #1
Werewolf Finds Dragon
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 17
So, the Soul Reservoir...

Okay, this is a thing. I don't normally like bothering other people because I prefer to be independent, that means I don't have to get on anyone's nerves.

Still, I've hit an impasse. That bloody Soul Reservoir. I could've sworn I knew what the frame name was in order to manipulate it, but alas, I did not. And what's worse is that no matter how much I research, I can't find out what the thing is called.

I felt like I had it when I found RaidReviveCounterManager. But apparently that frame doesn't exist? Is it only a function? It seems like it would be a frame. But apparently it only exists contextually, since I checked for its existence in game and it wouldn't verify. I threw a plugin for my addon Windex together anyway in the vain hope that it was RaidReviveCounterManager.

Apparently it wasn't, and that just lead to errors.

Am I wrong, somehow? Is it actuallly RaidReviveCounterManager, or is it some other frame? Doing a web search for 'RaidReviveCounterManager,' I can only find the comments section of my own addon, haha. But it does actually exist. I think. I found it in so it has to be. Right? It also has a mention of RaidReviveCounterManager.Update() there, which makes me think it's a frame...

The problem is is that I'm not at the point in ESO where I'd be running trials. And even if I were, I'd be flailing and screaming as I fled them due to my panic condition, so I'd likely not be any use to a group and I couldn't use one just to /script moc():GetName() the frame and just leave.

So any help would be worth it because I just don't know, and it bothers me not knowing. I wish I could test this for myself and not have to bother anyone but sadly I don't have that luxury. So... um... thanks for any help that can be provided.
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