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02/19/16, 03:56 AM   #9
Super Moderator
Baertram's Avatar
WoWInterface Super Mod
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 5,021
Hello Wandamey,

would you be so kind and check the following english texts (some are already translated to french with your help!) and translate them to french for me, again?

I've added an empty row in front and after the english texts so you are easily able to find them!

Many many thanks!

    --French / Französisch
	[3] = {
		-- Options menu
        ["options_description"]                  = "Se souvient que vous consommez un autre nourriture/boisson buff si votre actuel nourriture/boisson expire.",
		["options_header1"] = "General",
		["options_language"] = "Langue",
		["options_language_tooltip"] = "Choisir le langue",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection1"] = "Anglais",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection2"] = "Allemand",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection3"] = "Francais",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection4"] = "Espagnol",
        ["options_language_dropdown_selection5"] = "Italien",
		["options_language_description1"]	 = "ATTENTION: Modifier un de ces réglages provoquera un chargement.",
        ["options_reloadui"]				 = "ATTENTION: Modifier ce réglage provoquera un chargement.",
		["options_savedvariables"]	 = "Sauvegarder",
		["options_savedvariables_tooltip"] = "Sauvegarder les données de l'addon pour tous les personages du compte, ou individuellement pour chaque personnages",
		["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection1"] = "Individuellement",
		["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection2"] = "Compte",
		["options_header_options"]				 	= 	"Options",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled"]			=	"Alerter à la connexion",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled_tooltip"]	=	"Alerte à la connexion/chargement de l'IU si aucun buff de nourriture est actif. Si un buff est actif, donne son nom dans le chat",
		["options_text_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par texte",
		["options_text_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par texte quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix du texte pour la nourriture et les boissons ci-dessous",
		["options_text_alert_food_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de nourriture",
		["options_text_alert_food_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de nourriture expire",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de boisson",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de boisson expire",
		["options_text_alert_general_text"]			=	"Texte général pour les buffs expirés",
        ["options_text_alert_general_text_tooltip"] =	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff (nourriture ou boisson) a expiré mais le jeu ne sait plus duquel il s'agissait (après une déconnexion par exemple)",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par icone",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par icone quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix de la taille, position et symbole ci-dessous. Simplement glisser/déposer l'icone sur l'écran!\n\nFaire un click droit dessus pour la cacher de nouveau.",
        ["options_icon_alert_width"]				=	"Largeur",
        ["options_icon_alert_width_tooltip"]		=	"Largeur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_height"]				=	"Hauteur",
        ["options_icon_alert_height_tooltip"]		=	"Hauteur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol"]				=	"Symbole",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol_tooltip"]		=	"Texture de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x"]			=	"Abscisse",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe horizontal",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y"]			=	"Ordonnée",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe vertical",
		["options_alert_check_repeat"]				=	"Répétition du check (en secondes)",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Répète la vérification des buffs actifs toutes les n secondes.\n\nValeur 0 pour désactiver le check!",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"]	=	"Afficher les résultats dans le chat",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"]	=	"Afficher le résultat de chaque vérification dans le chat?",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat"]				=	"Répéter l'alerte son",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Répète l'alerte son choisie n fois",
		["options_alert_sound_delay"]				=	"Délai entre les répétitions (ms)",
		["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"]		=	"Ajoute un délai de n millisecondes entre les répétitions",

		["options_alert_check_event"]				=	"Check region",
		["options_alert_check_event_tooltip"]		=	"Choose where the repeated food buff check will be executed",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp"]			=	"AvA/PvP region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_group"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_raid"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve"]			=	"Non-AvA/PvE region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_group"]		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_raid"] 		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_group"]			=	"Group",
		["options_alert_check_event_raid"]			=	"Raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_everywhere"]	=	"Always",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon"]		=	"Check in",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_tooltip"]=	"Choose if the repeated food buff check will be executed only in dungeons or not",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_delve"]=	"Delve",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_public"]=	"Public dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_group"]	=	"Group dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_raid"]	=	"Raid dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_all"]	=	"All dungeons/delves",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_everywhere"]	=	"Everywhere",

        ["options_alert_test"]						=	"Tester l'alerte",
        ["options_alert_test_tooltip"]				=	"Prévisualiser maintenant le texte et/ou l'icone choisis",
		["options_alert_sound"]						=	"Alerte par son",
		["options_alert_sound_tooltip"]				=	"Joue ce son quand l'alerte texte/icone apparaît.\n\nCurseur sur 1 pour n'avoir aucun son!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pve"]			=	"Changer raccourci PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are not in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot"]		=	"Raccourci PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Va changer à cet raccourci si vous n'êtes pas dans la région AvA",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp"]			=	"Changer raccourci PvP",

		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot"]		=	"Raccourci PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Va changer à cet raccourci si vous êtes pas dans la région AvA",

		["options_header_quickslots"]				=	"Raccourcis",
		["options_header_quickslots_pve"]			=	"PvE",
		["options_header_quickslots_pvp"]			=	"PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvE (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvP (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood"]	= 	"Change with active food buff",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood_tooltip"]	= 	"Will change the quickslots also if your current food buff is active.\n\nThis way you are able to change the quicklsots in combat/out of combat in PvP/PvE regions to a specific potion, e.g. change to a stamina potion out of combat and a tripod in combat!",

		["quickslot_nr1"]							=	"Raccourci 1",
		["quickslot_nr2"]							=	"Raccourci 2",
		["quickslot_nr3"]							=	"Raccourci 3",
		["quickslot_nr4"]							=	"Raccourci 4",
		["quickslot_nr5"]							=	"Raccourci 5",
		["quickslot_nr6"]							=	"Raccourci 6",
		["quickslot_nr7"]							=	"Raccourci 7",
		["quickslot_nr8"]							=	"Raccourci 8",
		["options_header_text_alert"]				=	"Alerte par texte",
		["options_header_icon_alert"]				=	"Alerte par icone",
		["options_header_sound_alert"]				=	"Alerte par son",
        ["icon_tooltip_text"]						=	"Aucun buff de nourriture actif!",
        ["found_type_drink"]						=	"Boisson",
		["found_type_food"]							=	"Nourriture",
        ["chat_output_is_active"]					=	" est actif",
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