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04/19/22, 03:06 PM   #4
Super Moderator
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WoWInterface Super Mod
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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Known changes:

1. TLCs (TopLevelControls) defined as <TopLevelControl within XML will be checked for their parent to be GuiRoot, else there will be an error message!
You need to change a contorl that is not a readl TopLevelControl and does not anchor to GuiRoot to be a normal control to fix this. Do not use <TopLevelControl as template or do not create it via lua's TLC functions!

2. Seems there are changes which lead to unexpected behaviour: As long/soon as a control got the movable state enabled it's child controls become non-clickable (non mouse interactale)

An explanation by Solinur about the Draw order (Tier -> Layer-> Level) has been added to the WIKI:

Info from ZOs DanBatson:
There were some changes to hit testing in the gui code to fix some inconsistencies that were discivered when implementing some new systems. Essentially when you experience these issues, it just means you need to increase the tier layer or level of the thing. The level of the two competing controls was ambiguous, and its just a matter of which one happens to show up in the tree first when testing. You need to remove the ambiguity.
Since the launch of the game, textures have a default layer of background, which is under controls, because when that decision was made, it was decided that of course you would never want to render a texture overtop of something like a button or a label, because it would cover it, making the label/button/etc pointless. But that can also be a pain in situations like this. Changing it so that textures an no longer defauted to background would be more explicit but at thise point would throw everything into complete and utter disarray.

It was annoying for us too, we had to fix a lot of places where we had been lazily not resolving the ambiguity because it "didnt hurt anything" and it caused bugs we had to fix. But the new hit testing logic can't work the old way anymore, and only the old way resolved the ambiguity passively
To fix this: You need to change the draw tier/layer of the textures/controls via SetDrawTier/SetDrawLayer or via the appropriate XML tags:
Manually providing the draw tier/layer and making them even for all the controls "at another movable control" with the "movable control" (like checkboxes, textures, whatever on a backdrop/TLC) would fix this?
Essentially yea. If you have a texture and a non texture both with default layers, and they overlap eachother, and they're both mouse enabled, you're gonna have a bad time, because textures by default are BACKGROUND, and you need to move the texture's layer up
You need to decide which one you want on top of the other

Last edited by Baertram : 05/03/22 at 04:21 AM.
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