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09/09/22, 04:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 28
Addon related slowness/crashes

Hi All,

I actively run ~250 addons (including libraries) and think they all add to my ESO experience. My issue is that it can take 2-5+ minutes per character to load into the game. In addition, the game regularly crashes to the login screen when loading a character or logging out.

If I clear out my saved variables folder, the crashes when logging in/out usually stop for a time at the expense of setting up a lot of my addon settings again.

If I disable all my addons, the game rarely (if ever) crashes and my load times are very fast at the expense of playing vanilla ESO.

Is there some generic help to resolve the crashing and load times, or is that the burden I am taking on by using so many addons?

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