Thread: Minion on Linux
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06/15/23, 02:56 AM   #42
Zastrix's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 15
Alternative JRE's

If you don't plan on using the flatpak this is info from my investigation on how to run Minion.
  1. Running the Bellsoft JDK as it has the JavaFX modules baked in.

    The bellsoft JDK (in my experiments 11) has JavaFX baked in and simply installing it will make minion run without an issue. This is, of course, with the JDK, iirc the standard JRE won't work.

  2. 'Making' your own working JRE with OpenJFX.

    Essentially a way to guarantee this works with minimal space usage is by installing OpenJFX on top of your JRE installation. Just install your JRE and then download JavaFX for the required version of your JRE. Let's say JRE 17 as that's the current LTS.

    (Everything is done in this PR:, but I'll be explaining the steps)

    Paths shouldn't matter too much so let's say you downloaded OpenJFX 17 and extract it into:
    Additionaly you need to make sure that your $JAVA_HOME path has been set OR the path for your JRE has been added in the system path.

    Now you should be able to start Minion with this command:

    java -jar --module-path /app/javafx/lib \,javafx.fxml,javafx.web \
        --add-reads \
        --add-opens \
        --add-opens \
        --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \
    If you get an error similar to: module does not "exports com.sun.javafx.css" to unnamed module @55340952 that means that you need to add another --add-opens. Let's break down the error:

    module X does not "exports Y" to unnamed module @_Z
    This basically means that you have to write --add-opens X/Y=ALL-UNNAMED.


P.S. I made sure to use Java 17 as OpenJFX is supported for ARM based machines, as there might be a chance to run ESO few years into the future on ARM-based archtypes. ESO can be played on ARM based macs iirc.

Last edited by Zastrix : 09/10/23 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Typos...
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