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10/31/23, 01:51 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by NeuroticPixels View Post
If something like this is created, my vote is to have the addon "disable" itself for custom made groups and Normal difficulty queues. We don't need more toxicity or gatekeeping in entry-level content.
Agreed about not wanting gatekeeping. What I'm hoping for is more of a way to avoid toxicity. Already getting people going tank to get in the group for a trial via the finder and then changing. Per my experience today, it counts that a tank already joined, so you don't need another... which means you won't get a tank for your trial. Many things will be unwinnable that way. The trickster that cheated the system to get in just screws the group. They are unlikely to admit it or leave graciously so others can complete the content (again... per my experience today). It's rather unfair for that person to stay and either everyone have to break group and try again or waste everyone's time trying without a tank for content that can't be done tankless. If it happens, and this addon is able to be made, at least you can see who it is so you can vote to kick them or something to get what will hopefully be a tank.
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