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05/07/14, 07:16 AM   #4
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 32
It isn't about preventing botters. Perhaps if you weren't in a dungeon in the first month you might have noticed, but this didn't do jack to stop botters. A weak mechanism for protecting code let them easily bypass that. You don't even need to do that since you can inject keystrokes and mouse actions into the game, intercept data packets and perform your own communication between clients. Too technical for most, but so is writing a browser which doesn't keep people from using one.

This is to prevent DPS meter addons. That being because the best solution to people behaving in a manner we don't like is to force them to not behave that way rather than ignore them. Hopefully next they'll make changes preventing people from being RP Nazi's for those of us that don't like RP Nazi's. And, yes, I'm being sarcastic. This post is a good reason why they should have never done that. They hamstrung a bunch of useful addons just so people can hang out with people they don't like. Now thanks to no DPS meters they aren't going to notice you standing in the DOT and dying as a result. They won't be mean to you because they can't possibly know you don't know wtf you're doing without a DPS meter. Now you can hang out with elitist snobs without them ever knowing you're clueless because the only possible way they could tell is a DPS meter.

Last edited by LilBudyWizer : 05/07/14 at 07:19 AM.
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