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05/11/14, 11:34 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by Dolby View Post
If the AddOn was originally installed with minion it will keep track of the AddOn using the UID so the author changing the name won't have any affect.

Please post your minion.xml so I can see if there is any misconfiguration done by Minion in the config file that is causing this. The file is locate in your windows user folder under .minion. C:\Users\<your windows username>\.minion\

With out looking at the minion.xml I suggested going to the installed tab, right click uninstalling all AddOns listed. Then go to the find more tab and re-install them. That will ensure Minion has capture the UID of the AddOn.
I always install using minion. When I first discovered it existed, I noticed right away it didn't auto detect and so I got rid of everything I had and installed through minion.

As for re-downloading, that's the whole reason I am posting here. I shouldn't have to do that. It means I have to manually keep track of my mods which was the reason I installed minion - to do it for me. :P If I have to manually track and look for updates on my own then there's no point in having minion at all.

What I'm saying is I download a mod with minion. Then one day it just disappears from minion. And then I have to manually remove it, and redownload it again with minion. Sometimes the names of the mods have changed when this happens, other times not.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<game addon-path="S:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns" auto-update="false" game-id="ESO" last-auto-update="April 08, 2014 6:38PM" unique-game-id="ESO-1">

<addon md5="f932b241ff58703995f9f53348cb5de3" ui-version="1.0" uid="141"/>

<addon md5="496b0b72a785723ede4114dc9fdae5d2" ui-version="1.1.0" uid="115"/>
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