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05/31/14, 07:19 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 93
Callbacks - What am I doing wrong?

I made a little plug-in for FTC. Atropos contacted me, and gave me some hints, and mentioned me about callbacks. When FTC is ready, it fires a callback called "FTC_Ready". Now, I am trying to use this in my add-on, trying to integrate my plug-in settings to his add-on's settings menu.

But it doesn't work. So my question is, are the menus created before the callbacks are called/registered? Can some prehook help me out with this?

It isn't of utmost importance, I just wanted to make use of this simple callback while creating my submenu. I can use something else (like, a simple "if FTC then") and delay my submenu creation with another simple thing (so that it won't throw any errors and correctly place itself).
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