Thread: CCDR - Horses
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06/04/14, 06:26 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 280
CCDR - Horses

I am good at backend programming, but lousy at UI programming.
There are propably a lot of good UI programmers, but gathering the data is the hard part.
For some time now I have been thinking about making a Addon with the sole purpose of collecting data that other addons could then display. This would simplify the work of making something look "your way", without having to deal with collecting the data. Also if more then on addon need the same data, it would only be collected once this way.
My working title is CCDR - Cross Character Data Repository.

My first goal was Horses. I made a few tests with the Events and updated the Horse Event Section on the wiki with my results (we now get something between one line and 3 line description for each horse event).

One of the core features of my CCDR would be the ability to filter stuff. It would still collect the data, but it will not return the data (or only tell the quering addon that showing it was not wanted by the user).
For horses for example, feeding the Imperial 1G or the 17k Gold horse is not a good idea - it is much more worth to feed the 42k Horses.
The core of filtering is identification. And it looks like the only way to identify horses is via the Icon/mount portait used. I will have to translate that into a constant value that I store then, but that is rather easy.

The generaly path for both is:
With x being the horse ID (a single Alphabetical Character)
Note the misspelling in the Portrait path.

I got Imperial Horse and Draft (capacity) horse covered.
Imperial horse:

Draft Horse (Capacity):

Anybody know the other Icons?
I don't quite have the money to buy them all.
I will also update the GetStableSlotInfo() entry on the Wiki with the results.

Last edited by zgrssd : 06/04/14 at 06:37 AM.
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