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01/05/16, 01:02 PM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by CaptainBlagbird View Post
Well it's more clear which enemy is targeted now, the old version was to big and indistinct. But with the new one it's harder to see when the target is focused.

I prefer the new version, because I play in 3D and the target highlight is now directly on the target not on the screen like the old one.
But how can you tell when you are actually targeting the highlighted enemy? Before, it was more ambiguous with enemy you had selected with thab, but when the corners were filled-in, you knew with certainty that if you used any ability, it would hit the enemy you had tab selected.

The new way is so hard to tell, because the white glow from tab target hides the red glow of what you actually have targeted. I would like a hybrid of both, so we get both the white glow AND the four corner triangles that change from outlines to solid when you are actually targeting the enemy you selected.

Maybe something like this this could be done with an Addon by using unit id's? I'll do some research on it.
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