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01/07/20, 01:04 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 4
Sounds good! In case it's any help:
Now, absolutely not proven in any way, but it's my impression that part of it is somehow an incompatibility of some sort between ScreenshotHelper and Essential Housing Tools - the problems are always present, but seem to radically intensify when I have both active at the same time.

For instance, right now, entering the Beauty Shot mode where you get the close up of the character, and exiting again - that turns off focus glow, name plates, healthbars, speech bubbles, etc - AND it somehow borks my chat window, meaning I can't hit enter to start a new message. I CAN click the chat window and start a message that way. Reloading interface fixes the chat issue, but everything else needs to be turned back on manually each time.
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