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08/26/16, 07:40 AM   #15
ForgottenLight's Avatar
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 48
I need help with translation some text for new version of addon:
Lua Code:
  1. DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","mm/dd",""},
  3. MoreCharErr = N .. " or more characters is detected. Need a reset of the characters list.",
  4. ToolTip[9] = "Please use the button \"reset characters\" in the addon options panel or type a command \"/wpa rch\" in the chat window.",
  6. ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " Change window mode\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  7. OptDateFrmt  = "The format of the date",
  8. OptDateFrmtF = "Select the format to display dates in the calendar window",
  9. OptShowTime  = "Also show time after date",

1. The old variable MoreCharErr was divided into two parts because the whole text does not fit in the window. For example:
Lua Code:
  1. DE:  MoreCharErr = N .. " oder mehr Charaktere wurden ermittelt! Schreibe '/wpa rch' in den Chat, |um die Charakter Datenbank zurückzusetzen.",
  2. FR:  MoreCharErr = N .. " personnages ou plus detectés! Tapez '/wpa rch' pour remettre à zero la b|ase de données des personnages.",
Only the part before the "|" symbol is fit in the window. The need to shorten the text to fit in the window. The rest of the text can be placed in the tooltip.
I can't check whether the text fits in the Japanese translation:
Lua Code:
  1. JP:  MoreCharErr = N .. " 以上のキャラクターを検知しました! キャラクターベースのリセットのため '/wpa rch' をタイプしてください",

2. The old variable OptDateFrmt was divided into two parts for the time display was controlled by a separate setting.

3. In to ToolTip[2] variable is added the second part, which shows what will be done at the click right mouse button. Old version:
Lua Code:
  1. DE:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " Ändere Fenster Modus\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  2. FR:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " Changer le mode fenêtre\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  3. JP:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " ウィンドウモードを変更\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
"\n" is "new line symbol"
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