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12/11/18, 01:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 5
Event not being called?

I've been playing ESO on and off for a while. I've finally got around to looking into making my own addons. So I fillowed the Writing your first addon tutorial. Though Instead of doing incombat, i'm using zone change. I believe I have it set up correctly but when I change zones the label in the UI won't update nor will the new location be added to the chat.

my lua file
-- First, we create a namespace for our addon by declaring a top-level table that will hold everything else.
    TCDInfoPanel = {}

-- This isn't strictly necessary, but we'll use this string later when registering events.
-- Better to define it in a single place rather than retyping the same string. = "TCDInfoPanel"

function TCDInfoPanel:RestorePosition()
    local left = self.savedVariables.left
    local top =
    TCDInfoPanelUI:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, GuiRoot, TOPLEFT, left, top)

-- Then we create an event handler function which will be called when the "addon loaded" event
-- occurs. We'll use this to initialize our addon after all of its resources are fully loaded.
function TCDInfoPanel.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName)
    -- The event fires each time *any* addon loads - but we only care about when our own addon loads.
    if addonName == then

function TCDInfoPanel.OnIndicatorMoveStop()
    TCDInfoPanel.savedVariables.left = TCDInfoPanelUI:GetLeft() = TCDInfoPanelUI:GetTop()

function TCDInfoPanel.ZoneChanged(eventCode, zoneName, subZoneName, newSubzone, zoneId, subZoneID)
    local zoneText
    -- Get the location of player
    -- Debug testing post in chat.    
    d("zone changed to: " )
    -- Update the label of the location.
    TCDInfoPanelUILocationLabel:SetText("Location Updated")

-- Initialize the addon
    function TCDInfoPanel:Initialize()
        -- Create saved variables.
        self.savedVariables = ZO_SavedVars:New("TCDInfoPanelAddonSavedVariables", 1, nil, {})
        -- Set up event changes to update location on info bar.
        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED, self.ZoneChanged)
        -- Restore the previous location of the Addon.

-- Finally, we'll register our event handler function to be called when the proper event occurs.
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, TCDInfoPanel.OnAddOnLoaded)
my xml file
        <TopLevelControl name="TCDInfoPanelUI" mouseEnabled="true" movable="true" clampedToScreen="true">
            <Dimensions x="500" y="35" />
            <Anchor point="BOTTOM" relativeTo="GuiRoot" relativePoint="CENTER" />


                <Backdrop name="$(parent)BG" inherits="ZO_DefaultBackdrop" excludeFromResizeToFitExtents="true">
                    <AnchorFill />
                <Control name="$(parent)Location">
                    <Dimensions x="80" y="35" />
                    <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="CENTER" />
                        <Label name="$(parent)LocationLabel" font="ZoFontGameMedium" inheritAlpha="true" color="ffffff"
                        wrapMode="TRUNCATE" verticalAlignment="CENTER" horizontalAlignment="CENTER" text="Location:">
                            <AnchorFill />
Im a Python developer who is new to Lua. I'm sure I'm just over looking something very simple. Any points in the right direction would be awesome. This is all a base for a WoW UI mod I really enjoyed back when I played wow and havent found something similiar in ESO yet. SO I figured I'd bring it over.
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