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08/28/19, 06:12 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by ArtOfShred View Post
I had someone report an issue with frames dropping with a lot of adds around on bosses on the LUI comments but they mentioned turning it off didn't bring that much of an improvement. They didn't specify if they just turned LUI off or all addons.

I don't actively play much anymore or run trials so I don't have the opportunity to test myself, but I can at least take a look at Blood Altar and see if its generating an insane amount of combat events.

Tbh ZoS needs to look at a few things like this - the Nightblade minor savagery passive also vomits combat events like no other last I checked.

Another possible problem could be this set if anyone is using it:
Exponential combat events depending on the number of targets, if 20 procs go off at once on 20 mobs you're got 400 combat events happening in the span of a few ms

EDIT: You know, it could also be some code that was changed with ability bars. They changed the way some of the events work and one of those changes caused LUI to either try to update ability bar highlight every time an ability was pressed or with combat events. I fixed it on my dev build but still have some work to do. You could try disabling the Combat Info component and seeing if that helps (not sure if Bandits would have the same issue with its ability tracking)
That person was me! I switched to bandits just to test it, same thing. As you said it might be the ability bar thing. Since I do run action duration reminder instead of lui/bandits built in one. I'm trying to find some guildies to do some more controlled testing. If someone else casts it and not me, will it be fine, etc. the problem with thinking it's the action bar mods is that 90% of the time I'm fine till I do certain straining fights with a lot of computing power going on. I tried solo'ing the first boss of vICP with 2 adds up and I feel like my fps dropped a few when I casted it solo, but can't really tell if it's in my head. I will try my best to just reach out to authors to just give them a heads up about the situation and if they feel like looking into it. Thanks for still looking at the forums even with your discourage about the game
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