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04/25/15, 10:46 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 20
Originally Posted by circonian View Post
As Ayantir said those don't exist. I think what you wanted was:
Lua Code:
  1. CHAT_SYSTEM.primaryContainer.currentBuffer:Clear()
  2. CHAT_SYSTEM.primaryContainer.currentBuffer:GetMaxHistoryLines()

As for the functions, like they said we find them by reading the games lua files or using /zgoo.
This addon has a feature to search the games global table for global functions. I use it to find functions I might want to use or to just look up a function when I forget its name. As for figuring out how to use the function, once I find a function that sounds like what I want then I go to the lua files and search for it to see how they use it, what the parameters are, and what values it returns if any. Click4Info

You're right those are what I was looking for but from the documentation (or rather the list of functions) I couldn't tell that I needed to dig down to currentBuffer. I loaded up zgoo and my god, I don't see how you can derive anything from that. I did /zgoo mouse over the chat window and I see the currentBuffer and the methods under it but I still am at a loss. I was reading through the source to pchat and X4D_CHAT and I still can't make heads or tails of what's going on in them. My coding skills must be hella weak... When you say you 'go to the lua files and search for it', if you meant the ESO client where are those stored? Mine might be different since I'm using the beta client.
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