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06/18/17, 12:00 AM   #1
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 18
"Cannot find a library instance of ..."


I've played around with some own addons and I just got familiar with LibAddonMenu-2.0 library. On Wiki there were some great instructions and I learned a lot how to use it.

But I don't really understand why two other libraries does not work whatsoever. I'm trying to use LibScroll and libChat2. So here's what I've done:
  • I've extracted LibScroll and libChat2 folders inside my addon's folder (just like I did with LibAddonMenu-2.0)
  • Neither of them adviced to list them into DependsOn or OptionalDependsOn lists inside the manifest so at first I didn't. But because I haven't been able to make it work I've tried in both of them. Problem's still there.
  • I have them listed in my manifest file in a same way I have LibAddonMenu-2.0 (and LibStub) but no luck so far. One thing I do not understand is I don't have LibAddonMenu-2.0 (and LibStub) folders inside any folder called "Libs" but in Lua you have to write that before - why's that? For example, "Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua" when the path is really "...\AddOns\<ADDON>\LibStub\LibStub.lua"

In my LUA I have the following code (in the very beginning of the file):

local LibAM = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
local LibS = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibScroll")
local LibC = LibStub:GetLibrary("libChat-1.0")
And no matter what I've tried I still get the error from LibScroll and libChat-1.0. LibAddonMenu-2.0 is working fine, though, and I've managed to create an addon settings page which is working as intended.

Any help here?
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