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09/23/18, 07:27 PM   #41
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 15
Unhappy 日本語化対応方法について

Originally Posted by Siegtime View Post
アドオン名:Research Assistant


["jp"] = {
GENERAL_HEADER = "General Options",
COLORS_HEADER = "Color Options",
HIDDEN_HEADER = "Hide Icon Options",
CHARACTER_HEADER = "Tracked Character Options",

ICON_LABEL = "Research icon",
ICON_TOOLTIP = "Choose which icon to display as your research assistant.",

ICON_SIZE = "Icon size",
ICON_SIZE_TOOLTIP = "Choose the size of the research icon",

ICON_OFFSET = "Icon position",
ICON_OFFSET_TOOLTIP = "Choose the position of the research icon on the X-axis of inventories",
SEPARATE_LW_LABEL = "Separate leatherworking from tailoring?",
SEPARATE_LW_TOOLTIP = "Do you want to track medium armor and light armor research for separate characters?",

SEPARATE_SMITH_LABEL = "Separate weaponsmithing from blacksmithing?",
SEPARATE_SMITH_TOOLTIP = "Do you want to track weaponsmithing and armorsmithing research for separate characters?",

RESEARCHABLE_LABEL = "Researchable trait color",
RESEARCHABLE_TOOLTIP = "What color should the research assistant icon be if the trait is researchable?",

DUPLICATE_LABEL = "Duplicate researchable trait color",
DUPLICATE_TOOLTIP = "What color should the research assistant icon be if the item is researchable but there is a better candidate for research?",

RESEARCHED_LABEL = "Already researched color",
RESEARCHED_TOOLTIP = "What color should the research assistant icon be if the item is already researched?",

ORNATE_LABEL = "Ornate item color",
ORNATE_TOOLTIP = "What color should the icon be for an ornate item?",

INTRICATE_LABEL = "Intricate item color",
INTRICATE_TOOLTIP = "What color should the icon be for an intricate item?",

SHOW_RESEARCHED_LABEL = "Show researched icon?",
SHOW_RESEARCHED_TOOLTIP = "Should the icon show up for traits that you know?",

SHOW_TRAITLESS_LABEL = "Show researched icon on traitless?",
SHOW_TRAITLESS_TOOLTIP = "Should the icon show up for traitless equipment?",

SHOW_ORNATE_LABEL = "Always show Ornate?",
SHOW_ORNATE_TOOLTIP = "Should Ornate be shown for untracked skills?",

SHOW_INTRICATE_LABEL = "Always show Intricate?",
SHOW_INTRICATE_TOOLTIP = "Should Intricate be shown for untracked skills?",

SHOW_TOOLTIPS_LABEL = "Show icon tooltips?",
SHOW_TOOLTIPS_TOOLTIP = "Should tooltips tell you what they are? (recommended OFF)",

SHOW_IN_GRID_LABEL = "Show in Grid View?",
SHOW_IN_GRID_TOOLTIP = "Should the research assistant icon show up with Inventory Grid View toggled on? (Ignore this if you don't use Inventory Grid View)",

WS_CHAR_LABEL = "Weaponsmithing Character",
WS_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your weaponsmithing character?",

BS_CHAR_LABEL = "Blacksmithing Character",
BS_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your blacksmithing character?",

LW_CHAR_LABEL = "Leatherworking Character",
LW_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your leatherworking character?",

CL_CHAR_LABEL = "Clothier Character",
CL_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your clothier character?",

WW_CHAR_LABEL = "Woodworking Character",
WW_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your woodworking character?",

JC_CHAR_LABEL = "Jewelry crafting Character",
JC_CHAR_TOOLTIP = "Which character is your jewelry crafting character?",
ornate = "Ornate",
intricate = "Intricate",
duplicate = "Duplicate trait known by: ",
canResearch = "Unknown trait known by: ",
alreadyResearched = "Trait known by: "

ここの中のLABELとTOOLTIP の所を日本語に訳してRA_strings.luaに追加すればいいような気が、その上でResarchAssistantSettings.luaの最後にあるLanguageのとこに[JP]を追加すればいいのかな?私はプログラマでもなんでもないのでよくわかりません。(滝汗 よろしくお願いします。

Last edited by Siegtime : 09/24/18 at 07:05 AM.
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