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10/31/14, 06:54 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 671
You can't get this right, unless ZOS adds something to the API, or to the mails. IMO it's a complete waste of time to even try.

Last time I checked, I had two blacksmiths with hirelings, let's call them HighIronMan and CountQuicksilver (they had blacksmithing level 2 and 8, respectively). I logged HighIronMan, /camp, logged CountQuicksilver and ding, hireling mail with High Iron Ore received. There was no information in that mail that would tell it was sent to HighIronMan by his hireling. /camp, logged another character and ding, full mailbox. No add-on would know about this second hireling mail with Quicksilver Ore until I deleted some mail (which in my case can be weeks later; yes that's my own problem, and also the reason this add-on would be useless to me even if it actually worked; I just wanted to show that sometimes you can't see all received mail).

Unless ZOS puts actual recipient character name in the mail -- which would only be logical, I wonder from the start why the hell system-sent rewards for deeds of a specific character (veteran rank congrats, cyrodiil rewards) always name the currently logged one, who did nothing to earn that reward -- so until then, the best you can do is guess.

Originally Posted by Ayantir View Post
Does someone know if the timer start when you receive mail or you pick up materials from attachment? I really think it's time of when the mail come into your mailbox (which isn't same as the one the server triggers the event, i know it..).
Generally it's almost same, but if someone already searched for it.
It's when the server generates the message, you don't have to pick it up. I have almost permanently full mailbox (client-full, as in more than the API can access, but less than the server can hold), and when I go and delete some, hireling mails from several days ago pop up.
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