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06/01/14, 01:01 AM   #1
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 280
Hireling Timer Addon - does one exist or tips for creating one

Something recently asked for something like this on the ESO Forum. And it has been bugging me for some time, even if I only have one Character with hirelings.

Nothing among the existing Reserach or Crafting Addons seems to track "how long you have to wait till hireling will trigger again". And a serach on the forum brought nothing up. If somebody could point me to such a Addon, it would be the ideal case.

But chances are I propably have to go and make one. Wich raises a few questions:
What is the prefered way to get the currrent time & date, with not more precision then 1 second? How about adding 24 hours to a datetime aquired this way?
Anybody know if the "Hireling" mail has some obvious telltale? Any way to figure out for wich character it was destined? (in case a race condition occurs with a user logging out before the mail is received due to server load).
I propably also have to track skill changes (respec and increase of 1st Skill/Hireling Skill for every profession).

Near as I can tell the current rule is:
[timeframe] hours after taking the skill while not having the cooldown.
[timeframe] hours after last getting a mail from this hireling/profession
And when logged in with the proper Character.
You get a hireling mail. Afaik logging out/back in is not nessesary. Except it might fix a minor bug with Mail delays (unconfirmed).
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