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06/15/21, 07:52 AM   #3
DarthFett11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 12
So some interesting stuff happened while testing this.

After the game loads my character, I move with the controller to enable it.
At this point one of two things happen.
1. Nothing changes on screen but my character can move around.
2. Parts of the UI resolution changes (quest tracker gets bigger and shows controller button instead of T, action bar gets bigger and shows controller buttons instead of numbers for use).

If nothing changes at first, as soon as I open a window (inventory, character stats screen, ect.) it becomes like #2 and the wierd UI changes happen.

When this happens, the compass, mini-map and combat stats all stay the same size while those items mentioned above change. These are the only things on my screen during play.

When the UI resolution changes is when the bugs get collected. If I continue to play, no other bugs show up.

Now it seems that during this testing though, I've found something strange.
If after #2 happens, I open a window with the keyboard (inventory, ect) everything goes back to normal size until i use the controller again.

After the third time opening a window, the wierd UI size change doesn't happen and it seems to work like it should.
All of the UI stays the same size it's supposed to be. The keybinds that show (quest change, action bar buttons) show controller icons but they aren't out of proportion. I can open a window and use the mouse pad on the controller (I use a PS4 controller) and it works fine.
So ultimately, it seems as long as I open and close the inventory screen 3 times when I first log on to a character, the addon seems to work perfectly fine.

I don't know if these bugs matter then or if anyone else is able to have the addon function correctly by doing this. If you want, I'm happy to put the steps in a message on the Addon comments so people can see it and try it out.
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