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09/02/15, 04:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 2
Exclamation Minion doesnt update addons

Ive got the latest version of minion and am currently running windows 10. Since the last update Ive been unable to update the addons in the manager. Ive tried a complete reinstall, deleting the folders and running the program again, deleting the .xml files and such, and even manually updating the files for the addons. With the newest addons updates the older version still show up in Minion. No matter what I try i cant get the updates to work anymore. Is there a major bug or anything?
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09/05/15, 10:11 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 1
Minion updates NA and PTS versions but not EU

Why is the EU version not updating? It makes the game almost unplayable when I am unable to use certain addons.
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09/06/15, 10:57 AM   #3
Every day I'm shuffling
Dolby's Avatar
Premium Member
WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,283
After you try updating your AddOns can you please post your Minion log file?

You can find the minion0.log and minion.xml files here:

If you need further help finding these files let me know what operating system you're running and I can help.
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09/07/15, 05:06 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 2
I FINALLY got Minion to update SOME, but not all... by renaming folders as "Old..", uninstalling and reinstalling.
Then, even though some updated.. it would NOT save my variables. That meant every time I want to play a character, I have to move and size the map,
Wykkyds Bar are change the variables, etc. Save to Default just causes a reload where in I lose all my just changed setting...
Basically, the game is unplayable the way it is now.
Below is a copy of my Log and xml files.. I will Grovel at your feet if you can figure out how I can get back to normal.

Log File (PS, second line says Win 8, I am running Win10)
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: os.version=6.2
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: os.arch=x86
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: java.runtime.version=1.8.0_31-b13
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: java.class.path=C:\Users\William Russ\AppData\Local\Minion\app\Minion-jfx.jar;lib/httpclient-4.3.1.jar;lib/httpcore-4.3.jar;lib/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar;lib/commons-configuration-1.10.jar;lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar;lib/commons-jxpath-1.3.jar;lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar;lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar;lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar;lib/junrar-0.7.jar;lib/commons-logging-api-1.1.jar;lib/commons-vfs2-2.0.jar;lib/maven-scm-api-1.4.jar;lib/plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar;lib/maven-scm-provider-svnexe-1.4.jar;lib/maven-scm-provider-svn-commons-1.4.jar;lib/regexp-1.3.jar;lib/kefirbb-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib/commons-io-2.4.jar;lib/guice-4.0-beta4.jar;lib/javax.inject-1.jar;lib/aopalliance-1.0.jar;lib/guava-16.0.1.jar;lib/guice-assistedinject-4.0-beta4.jar;lib/guice-multibindings-4.0-beta4.jar;lib/jsr305-2.0.3.jar;lib/junique-1.0.4.jar;lib/jregex-1.2_01.jar;
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: java.library.path=C:\Users\William Russ\AppData\Local\Minion\app\
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: user.language=en
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:27 AM com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation
INFO: user.home=C:\Users\William Russ
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController initWindowControls
FINE: Controls initialized.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient checkNetworkConnections
FINE: Starting network check ...
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient getRoutePlanner
FINE: System Default Http Proxy.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient$HeadThread run
FINE: Ping Status for 200
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient$HeadThread run
FINE: Ping Status for 200
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController initBuildAndVersion
FINE: Build: 3d139c5f76adfb922233fec1ec5480d2069af109
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:28 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController initBuildAndVersion
FINE: Version: 2.1.4-beta
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:29 AM com.zam.minion.util.GameManager addGameConfig
FINE: Adding new GameConfig: 'World of Warcraft'.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.GameManager addGameConfig
FINE: Adding new GameConfig: 'Elder Scrolls Online'.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.ProgressManager lambda$null$81
FINE: Adding GamInstall 'ESO-1' to ProgressManager.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController detectGames
FINE: Skipping scan for 'WOW'.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController detectGames
FINE: Skipping scan for 'ESO'.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController lambda$initWindowControls$130
FINE: GameInstall changed to ESO-1.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.service.InstallLaterTask call
FINE: Install Later start
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.service.InstallLaterTask call
FINE: Install Later fetching[email protected]
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
INFO: Starting UpdateManager.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreTake - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager download
FINE: DownloadRequest: MiniMap by Fyrakin - ESO-1 - UPDATE
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreDrain - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController lambda$null$155
INFO: AutoUpdate: MiniMap by Fyrakin
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: Drained 0 updates - Drainlist size: 1 - UpdateQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager download
FINE: DownloadRequest: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper - ESO-1 - UPDATE
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController lambda$null$155
INFO: AutoUpdate: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PostDrain drainList ***-----> MiniMap by Fyrakin
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PostDrain updateQueue xxx-----> Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
INFO: Download request for MiniMap by Fyrakin
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:30 AM com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController startFeedUpdateTimer
FINE: Starting feed refresh thread with 60 minute interval.
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:31 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
FINE: Install File Mimetype: application/zip
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:31 AM com.zam.minion.service.InstallLaterTask succeeded
FINE: Success
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
SEVERE: C:\Users\William Russ\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ (Access is denied)
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$null$272
SEVERE: DownloadService (update) failed: {0}
java.lang.IllegalStateException: File verification failed - MD5 mismatch: Feed md5: d68444c8fb34400ea4f275fd39d1385b calculated: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at javafx.concurrent.Task$
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$null$436(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$453/ Source)
at Method)
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$executeTask$437(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$450/ Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreTake - DownloadQueue size: 1
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreTake downloadQueue )))-----> Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreDrain - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: Drained 0 updates - Drainlist size: 1 - UpdateQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PostDrain drainList ***-----> Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
INFO: Download request for Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
FINE: Install File Mimetype: application/zip
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
SEVERE: C:\Users\William Russ\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ (Access is denied)
Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$null$272
SEVERE: DownloadService (update) failed: {0}
java.lang.IllegalStateException: File verification failed - MD5 mismatch: Feed md5: 1e83220e855ad4b5b8f747d2505b1982 calculated: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at javafx.concurrent.Task$
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$null$436(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$453/ Source)
at Method)
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$executeTask$437(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$450/ Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Sep 07, 2015 6:39:32 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreTake - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:48 AM com.zam.minion.controller.PictureViewPane initialize
FINE: Image count: 9
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager download
FINE: DownloadRequest: MiniMap by Fyrakin - ESO-1 - UPDATE
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreDrain - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: Drained 0 updates - Drainlist size: 1 - UpdateQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PostDrain drainList ***-----> MiniMap by Fyrakin
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
INFO: Download request for MiniMap by Fyrakin
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:50 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
FINE: Install File Mimetype: application/zip
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:51 AM com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$1 call
SEVERE: C:\Users\William Russ\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ (Access is denied)
Sep 07, 2015 6:49:51 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$null$272
SEVERE: DownloadService (update) failed: {0}
java.lang.IllegalStateException: File verification failed - MD5 mismatch: Feed md5: d68444c8fb34400ea4f275fd39d1385b calculated: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at com.zam.minion.service.DownloadService$
at javafx.concurrent.Task$
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$null$436(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$453/ Source)
at Method)
at javafx.concurrent.Service.lambda$executeTask$437(
at javafx.concurrent.Service$$Lambda$450/ Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Sep 07, 2015 6:49:51 AM com.zam.minion.util.DownloadManager lambda$startUpdater$271
FINE: PreTake - DownloadQueue size: 0
Sep 07, 2015 6:54:04 AM com.zam.minion.MinionShutdownHook run
FINE: Shutdown hook called.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>









<position y="432.0" x="624.0" width="1204.0" height="689.0"/>






<login-id>[email protected]</login-id>


-<game-configs never-ask-about-scanning="true">

<game-config scannable="false" game-id="WOW"/>

<game-config scannable="true" game-id="ESO"/>


-<drive-configs never-ask-about-scanning="true">

<drive-config scannable="false" drive="E:\"/>

<drive-config scannable="false" drive="M:\"/>



-<game game-id="ESO" unique-game-id="ESO-1" last-auto-update="September 06, 2015 6:10AM" display-name="Elder Scrolls Online" auto-update="true" addon-path="QzpcVXNlcnNcV2lsbGlhbSBSdXNzXERvY3VtZW50c1xFbGRlciBTY3JvbGxzIE9ubGluZVxsaXZlXEFkZE9ucw==">


-<addon uid="667" ui-version="1.7.12" md5="72304ecaefc6dcdaf55e8fb5fd8397f6">





-<addon uid="163" ui-version="v2.19a" md5="3b89d5f3a30698b40af9ff2039153fd5">





-<addon uid="202" ui-version="1.95" md5="0c8c04c6e1a0d749b39564b668f186ed">





-<addon uid="758" ui-version="2a" md5="221f216625149fe54695c8ca8b2f14ba">





-<addon uid="258" ui-version="v2.2.0" md5="a22da56d88ce03a2cb160c5430e89bf0">





-<addon uid="288" ui-version="1.5.9" md5="e3125839853d8cccc5a08cbdd3c07eba">





-<addon uid="13" ui-version="" md5="aeeb8ee013f25031aa9979cd5044c752">





-<addon uid="8" ui-version="2015.09.05.001" md5="e045ae9000c1c2da5cb2d33e27581aa5">










-<addon uid="737" ui-version="" md5="cce7cba966a4f691c347002ebdeec247">





-<addon uid="76" ui-version="2015.09.05.001" md5="64e7d29bcf38fecdf4e78ef4c4e79fde">




















-<addon uid="561" ui-version="4.3" md5="57ed73a00d1e0817aec4ce49f629e110">





-<addon uid="605" ui-version="2.74" md5="ea4f2fa5f117be5acb552fa7c10bc0f8">





-<addon uid="128" ui-version="1.9.1" md5="570aed48fb402901ce29c5c58b49bf06">







<addon title="Greymind Quick Slot Bar" version="v2.2.0" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="LoreBooks" version="1.5.9" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="Wykkyd Quest Tracker" version="" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="Wykkyd Framework" version="2015.09.05.001" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="Wykkyd Toolbar" version="" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="Wykkyd Gaming Suite" version="2015.09.05.001" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="Lost Treasure" version="4.3" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="MiniMap by Fyrakin" version="2.74" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>

<addon title="SkyShards" version="1.9.1" date="09.06.2015 6:10AM"/>




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09/07/15, 03:39 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Dolby View Post
After you try updating your AddOns can you please post your Minion log file?

You can find the minion0.log and minion.xml files here:

If you need further help finding these files let me know what operating system you're running and I can help.
Here is the .xml, and like i said, it was new the day i posted the request. Even a manual update isn't showing a response to the addons in Minion
Attached Files
File Type: xml minion.xml (5.7 KB, 534 views)
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09/10/15, 12:43 PM   #6
Every day I'm shuffling
Dolby's Avatar
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WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Hi Olmoss

Some reason Windows is not allowing Minion to write to your AddOn directory

SEVERE: C:\Users\William Russ\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\ (Access is denied)
Can you close Minion, then right click on it and choose to run it as admin? Does it work for you now? If not what security software (anti-virus or malware) are you running?
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09/10/15, 12:45 PM   #7
Every day I'm shuffling
Dolby's Avatar
Premium Member
WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,283
Hi Imthereallum,

You're minion.xml file looks fine. Can you attach your minion0.log file thats located in the same folder? Before you post it please make sure to run Minion and try and update an AddOn so we can be sure to capture what is happening in the log file.

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09/11/15, 08:12 AM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 2
Window's Defender is OFF, Kasperskys is ON with Minion as exception.
Run as Admin worked (will win 10 now remember to run it from now on as an 'admin'?)
All updated and I checked the log file and all lines came back as "Fine". So, progress is being made.

What IS driving me nuts is somewhere it is NOT saving variables like Map, tool bar positions. "reloadui", switching characters, reloading the game etc.
All of which cause me to have to have to move and resize the minimap and tool bar (ALL variables are like this, just these are the easiest to see/check).

In Game on the First start I have to check "Allow out of date add-ons" , after which it seems to remember unless I reboot.

Next I looked at file structure on my machine on the theory something was misplaced. But, all seems normal.
Minion program is found as is usual under C:\Users\William Russ\AppData\Local\Minion
The XML and Log files are at C:\Users\William Russ\.minion

Think another delete and reinstall of Minion? ...spitting in the wind at this point. Heh.
Attached Files
File Type: log minion0.log (4.0 KB, 410 views)
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01/31/16, 07:13 AM   #9
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 1
i was having the same issue where addon's wouldnt update, then when you made the comment about minion not being able to write to the addon folder it triggered a memory i had of trying to modify one of my settings in eso and not having permission to save no matter what i did, so i went to the root cause of it and figured out what the problem was. In windows 10 onedrive and homegroup have conflicting issues for permissions on certain folders, the documents folder being one of them. I found the solution which allows you to take ownership of the documents folder so that everything you do has permission to write within the folder. All you need to do is follow this guide on taking ownership of folders then minion will work flawlessly. i updated all my addons in less than 3 seconds after taking ownership of the documents folder, prior to that i was unable to update whatsoever
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