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03/25/14, 08:23 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 4
KOTSB - Global - PVP/PVE - DC - PS4 - 18+

The three core values of the Knights of the Silver Blade are Individuality, Free Will, and Strength.

Our vision is to promote an environment that encourages freedom and equality. We are providing the benefits of having a large guild on your back without having the drawbacks of being in a community. Every member is expected to do what they enjoy instead of following orders out of fear from being expelled from the Knights of the Silver Blade.

If you believe you meet the expectations of the Knights of the Silver Blade, feel free to join our cause. Together we will shake the very foundation of Tamriel.
•Platform: PS4
•Play-style: Hardcore
•Primary Focus: Endgame PvP and PvE
•Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
•Age requirement: 18+

Rules and Expectations:
1.Members aren’t expected to follow the orders of guild leader or officers, if the guild leader/officers ask you to do something you would rather not do, just say “No”, there won’t be any consequences.
2.The guild should not dictate the actions of guild members. Members are entitled to do what they want to do when they want to do it.
3.The members are expected to kill effectively in pvp through cunning, skill, and mental reflex.


The primary focus of the guild is to be excelled in both PvP and PvE contents including Adventuring Zone, Public Dungeon, 4-man Instance and Cyrodiil Campaign. The resource of the guild will be focused on end-game content, and we expect every member in the guild to be hardcore.


The initial goal is to attract many hardcore players who desire freedom but wish to participate group content (large or small). Once the guild reaches certain size, the second goal is to capture a keep where every knight of the Silver Blade can call home.


The leader of the guild are the members of the guild. The true leader is the collective consciousness of the Knights of the Silver Blade.

Ranking System:

High Templar: After every Cyrodiil Campaign season (3 months), 10 knights of the Silver Blade with highest Alliance Points will be given this title until the following Campaign season ends. They are the officers of the guild, and they have earned this title through displaying sheer ferocity on Cyrodiil Campaign.

Knight Templar: This rank consists of ex-High Templars of the Knights of the Silver Blade. They are the champions who have proven themselves on the battlefield.

Silver Knight: The standard title for the Knights of the Silver Blade.

Squire: The new recruit of the Knights of the Silver Blade.

The guild founder starts as a Silver Knight, so does every member who joined the guild one month before ESO (PS4) launches.
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ESOUI » General Discussion » Guilds » KOTSB - Global - PVP/PVE - DC - PS4 - 18+

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