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07/13/20, 02:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2019
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[Addon related] Logging out crashes to login screen vs character selection screen

Hi All,

TL;DR is that when logging out of a character, the game will freeze and eventually crash out to the login screen instead of taking me to the character selection screen. There is no error message or popup when this happens except a "Warning: Too many anchors processed" message in my interface.log.

I strongly believe that this is an addon related issue that occurs every once in a while (strangely the trend is directly after a patch/hotfix like today's 6.0.9), and persists until something is done about it.

I have found that my game's interface.log usually contains a warning message like this when this happens:
2020-07-13T09:43:06.954-08:00 |cff0000Gui Warning: Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:
2020-07-13T09:43:07.153-08:00 Load Screen - USER_INTERFACE Complete
In the past it listed an addon at the tail of the anchor list. The last time it happened I didn't need that addon anymore and deleted it which solved the problem. In this case it is a ZO function listed which I cannot delete.

If I disable all of my addons, this crash to the login screen does not happen and the interface.log does not contain a "Warning: Too many anchors processed" message when logging out.

What should my next steps be?


Edit: I am aware of the other posts that discuss anchors, suppressing errors, etc... There is no error here. It is a crash to my login screen with no errors and my main question is if something can be done about it on the addon front (other than uninstalling a bunch of addons)? I have submitted a /bug too!

Last edited by TagCdog : 07/13/20 at 02:32 PM.
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07/13/20, 04:14 PM   #2
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There are no steps in a manner of speaking. This isn't something you can just perform certain steps and then everything is fine. I guess what I am getting at is you feel there is a specific issue and specific steps to resolve it. There is nothing specific about this at all.

First off the warning about too many anchors just happens. Mod authors know why. It's
Originally Posted by Gitter
anchors define how ui elements are positioned relative to each other. simply put the first anchor defines a position, the second defines the size of a control.
check this page:
sirinsidiator gave me that answer the last time I asked. So seeing that warning should not be your focus where you feel that in the past you had a warning and then an addon name, and now you don't.

You have done the proper thing first by disabling your mods. The next step is to use Minion and reinstall them all. See the above screen shot.

Then you wan to pick a mod you want to test with. You are only going to enable one mod so click the triangle to expand the dependencies. Then enable the libraries it requires.

The screen shot above shows libraries. You want to enable the libraries for the one mod you enable to test with.

Some people ask, "Did you check out of data Addons" and yes that's a good idea but as I mention in the screen shot, doesn't mean it's going to work properly. The above screen shot was explaining to reload the persons UI.

Because you have a completely different problem you will have to enable one mod and log out until you find what is causing the issue. Then uninstall that mod and it's dependencies as long as the dependencies are not used by something else.

TL;DR There is no short easy or automated way. This will take you a while to figure out and in the end you may not be able to use one of the mods you were previously using.

Last edited by Sharlikran : 07/13/20 at 04:21 PM.
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07/13/20, 04:43 PM   #3
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I doubt the processed too many anchors is the problem here or is the log entry showing them DIRECTLY BEFORE or AS you logout (date + time)?
Check your SavedVariables folder:
Are there any big files in there?
Maybe clean them up, remove old ones (backup them) and let them create new ones, or check if the addons the files belong to got some ingame clean up settings for the saved data.
Check if LibDebugLogger is installed AND updated to the newest version.
Delete the LibDebugLOgger.lua SavedVariables file. I know there were errors if they got too big and they crashed the clients.
As it logs the anchor error messages too maybe this is a coincidence here then -> Crash due to acnhor messages polluting the SavedVars file of LibDebugLogger.
-> Try if the crash happens even with LibDebugLogger disabled!
Try to install "Zolans Anchor Away" addon, maybe it is able to suppress the anchor error messages.

Everything else is: Try and error by disableing one addon after another and checking which combination works, where there are no "too many anchors" messages anymore (if they even cause the crash!).
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