Hello here
There has been some years that this forum didn't had love. Let's try to improve our way to do :
- Need an update at each API
- Should be merged -> Done by Ayantir
- Need an update at each API
To delete
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Grab the Patchnotes TXT File
- Copy/Paste in a new file in Notepad++
- Section h2. Game API
- Search/Replace (Notepad++) :
** _Returns:_ -> ** '''Returns:'''
*string* -> '''string'''
*bool* -> '''boolean'''
*integer* -> '''number'''
*number* -> '''number'''
*luaindex* -> '''number'''
*id64* -> '''id64'''
*textureName* -> '''textureName'''
*luaindex:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*string:nilable* -> '''string:nilable'''
*integer:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*bool:nilable* -> '''boolean:nilable'''
*number:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
*id64:nilable* -> '''id64:nilable'''
*textureName:nilable* -> '''textureName:nilable'''
_ -> ''
- Search/Replace Regular expression :
\*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\* -> '''number''' [[Globals\#\1|\1]]
\*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\:nilable\* -> '''number:nilable''' [[Globals\#\1|\1]]
(.+)\*private\*(.+) -> * {{Private function}} \1 \2
(.+)\*protected\*(.+) -> * {{Protected function}} \1 \2
\* (\w+)\( -> \* {{GitHubSearch|Search=\1}} [[\1]]\(
\* (\{\{.*\}\}) \* (\w+) -> \* {{GitHubSearch|Search=\2}} \1 [[\2]]
- Search/Replace :
Triple space -> Single space (I cannot write them here)
() -> () (there is a space to remove before ())
\}\} (\w+) ? -> }} [[\1]]
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Grab the Patchnotes TXT File
- Copy/Paste in a new file in Notepad++
- Copy section h2. Events -> next h2 to a new file
- Search/Replace :
* EVENT[/b] -> * [[EVENT
([/b] - space before the "(" -> ]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'',
*string* -> '''string'''
*bool* -> '''boolean'''
*integer* -> '''number'''
*number* -> '''number'''
*luaindex* -> '''number'''
*id64* -> '''id64'''
*object* -> '''object'''
*luaindex:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
_ - space before the _ -> '' - space before the ''
_) -> '')
_, -> '',
- Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :
(\w)$ -> \1]] \('''number''' ''eventCode''\)
\[\[(\w+)\]\] \('''number''' ''eventCode'' -> {{GitHubSearch|Search=\1}} [[\1]] \('''number''' [[Constant_Values#\1|''eventCode'']]
Run THIS script from a Lua console :
lua events.lua events.txt events-wiki.txt
1st file is the file created with ZOS doc. 2nd is the copy paste of wiki source.
Lua Code:
local reference = {} local function parseLuaLine(currentLine) local eventName = string.match(currentLine, "^.*EVENT.*]") reference[eventName] = {text = currentLine} end local function parseReference(file) local referenceFile = io.open(file ,"r") io.input(referenceFile) local linesToRead = true while linesToRead do local currentLine = io.read("*l") if currentLine then parseLuaLine(currentLine) else linesToRead = false end end io.close(referenceFile) end local function rewriteWikiFile(file) local wikiFile = io.open(file ,"r") local newData = "" io.input(wikiFile) local linesToRead = true while linesToRead do local currentLine = io.read("*l") if currentLine then local eventName = string.match(currentLine, "^.*EVENT.*]") if eventName then if reference[eventName] then newData = newData .. reference[eventName].text .. "\n" reference[eventName].found = true else print("Event found on Wiki but not in ZOS ref -> " .. currentLine) end else newData = newData .. currentLine .. "\n" end else linesToRead = false end end io.close(wikiFile) local newWikiFile = io.open(file .. ".new.txt" ,"w") io.output(file .. ".new.txt") io.write(newData) io.close(newWikiFile) for entryName, data in pairs(reference) do if not data.found then print("New ZOS event -> " .. data.text) end end end local function EventsRewriter() if arg[1] and arg[2] then parseReference(arg[1]) rewriteWikiFile(arg[2]) else error("No args, please add referenceFile and wikiFile as args") end end EventsRewriter()
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Install Dumper addon
- /gd
- /reloadui
- Copy the constant part into a new file in Notepad++
- Search/Replace:
[" (8 space before [) -> empty
"] -> empty
- Use Excel
- Paste the data
- Sort by name
- Copy results back to Notepad++
- Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :
(\w+) \= (\w*\.?\w*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2
(\w+) \= (\"\w*\"), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2
(\w+) \= (-\d*\.?\d*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>| \2
(\w+) \= (.*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2
- Search/Replace:
|-|<div -> |-\r\n|<div
</div>| -> </div>\r\n|
- Add before the list :
{| class="wikitable"
- Add after the list :
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Grab the Patchnotes TXT File
- Copy/Paste in a new file in Notepad++
- Copy section h2. Global Variables -> next h2 to a new file
- Search/Replace : Regular expression :
^h5. (.*) -> ===\1===
^\* ([\w_]+) -> *[[Constant_Values\#\1|\1]]
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Use EsoExtractData
- Extract both eso.mnf and game.mnf (200GB needed).
- In both folders : Windows Command line : dir /b /s *.dds > file.txt
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Grab the Patchnotes TXT File
- Copy/Paste in a new file in Notepad++
- Copy section h2. Object API -> next h2 to a new file
- Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :
^h3. (.*) -> ===\1===
\*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\* -> '''number''' [[Globals\#\1|\1]]
(.+)\*private\*(.+) -> * {{Private function}} \1 \2
(.+)\*protected-attributes\*(.+) -> * {{Protected_attributes}} \1 \2
\[\w+\|\#(\w+)\](,?) -> \n* [[\1]]\2
- Search/Replace :
** _Returns:_ -> ** '''Returns:'''
*string* -> '''string'''
*bool* -> '''boolean'''
*integer* -> '''number'''
*number* -> '''number'''
*luaindex* -> '''number'''
*id64* -> '''id64'''
*object* -> '''object'''
*function* -> '''function'''
*integer:nilable* -> '''number:nilable'''
* {{Private function}} * -> * {{Private function}}
* {{Protected_attributes}} * -> * {{Protected_attributes}}
*Control* -> ''Control''
*AnimationObject* -> ''AnimationObject''
*public* -> Empty string
_ -> ''
( triple space before the "(" -> (
- Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :
^\* \[\[([\w]+)\]\](, )? -> * [[Controls\#\1|\1]]\2
- Search/Replace :
* {{Protected'' -> * {{Protected_
- Need an update at each API
- How-to Update :
- Grab the Patchnotes TXT File
- Copy/Paste in a new file in Notepad++
- Copy section h2. UI XML Layout -> next h2 to a new file
- Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :
^h[45]. (.*) -> ===\1===
\* (\w+) \*bool\* -> * '''boolean''' ''\1''
\* (\w+) \*number\* -> * '''number''' ''\1''
\* (\w+) \*integer\* -> * '''number''' ''\1''
\* (\w+) \*string\* -> * '''string''' ''\1''
\* (\w+) \*\[(\w+)\|\#(\w+)\]\* -> * '''number''' [[Globals\#\2|\3]] ''\1''
\* \[(\w+)\: (\w+)\|\#(\w+)\] -> * [[#\3|\1: \2]]
\* _(\w+)\:_ \*number\* _(\w+)_ -> * ''\1:'' '''number''' ''\2''
\* _(\w+)\:_ \*string\* _(\w+)_ -> * ''\1:'' '''string''' ''\2''
\* _(\w+)\:_ \*bool\* _(\w+)_ -> * ''\1:'' '''boolean''' ''\2''
\* _(\w+)\:_ \*integer\* _(\w+)_ -> * ''\1:'' '''number''' ''\2''
\* _(\w+)\:_ \*\[(\w+)\|#(\w+)\]\* _(\w+)_ -> * ''\1:'' '''[[Globals#\2|\3]]''' ''\4''
\* ScriptArguments: local self(.*) -> * '''ScriptArguments:''' ''local self\1''
- Search/Replace :
===Attributes:=== -> ===Attributes===