Nope, that's correct.
The lines like --- @return gameTimeInSeconds number come from the API documentation files and were not compatible with all IDE plugins etc.
EmmyLua and IntelliJ somehow have some issues there and vscode also expectsthe format to be different.
DakJaniels already worked on that topic (many thanks!) and the user MycroftJr added even more to it (also my thanks!) to add aliases so gameTimeInSeconds will have an alias to number, and other types get fixes too.
That should work with vscode and IntelliJ IDEA in the end.
We also worked on an update of the API parsing php tools to add that documentation and luadocs code properly and autoamtically for the future.
I just had not found the time to test and update it properly yet, but it's on the list.
Here is the current beta version if you want to try it out:
You can dl it and dl the most up2date ESOUIDocumentation.txt file from ESOUI sources (live e.g.) and then run the batch files
1_, 2_, 3_, 4_ to create the "release".
That release files can then be taken for vscode and IntelliJ IDEA for autocompletion.
The generated files should be in the folder _release in the end
-> The current _release files should be the files for the last live API version (h1. ESO UI Documentation for API Version 101042) so you can just copy the files and test if that works for you already (without generating new ones). It's just not current Update 43 data then.