Many thanks for such a valuable post of you here, bringing us all the new information. This will speed up your request for sure
Other request have been fullfilled, QOL features were added too.
I'd say: If ZOs wanted to add such a chat channel, or any other ways of sharing data, they would have done so.
As your request wasn't the first (see my links above) you could have known in advance that your "copy&paste" of the idea got no big chance, right?
We can understand that it might be frustrating returning after 2 years and not seeing anything fullfilled, but the request forums are no place to get angry about that then. No one ever said each request will be fullfilled! Check the list, there are plenty of open topcis.
Ranting about your non fullfilled request with such posts does not help at all, especially not that small letters extra message. Communicate that to the offiicial forums of the game owners at best, if you feel they focus on the wrong parts. ESOUI is not connected nor responsible for their roadmap.
So please refrain from such messages in the future and keep the request forum clean, and please also respect the cotact persons of ZOs here.
They are doing a great job and we do not want to make them angry because of single persons writing such inappropriate messages in the request forums.
Many thanks.