Function proto, untouched in U42:
* GetSkillAbilityInfo(*[SkillType|#SkillType]* _skillType_, *luaindex* _skillLineIndex_, *luaindex* _skillIndex_)
** _Returns:_ *string* _name_, *textureName* _texture_, *luaindex* _earnedRank_, *bool* _passive_, *bool* _ultimate_, *bool* _purchased_, *luaindex:nilable* _progressionIndex_, *integer* _rank_
function ListAllCraftedSkillInfo()
for skillType = 1, GetNumSkillTypes() do
local numSkillLines = GetNumSkillLines(skillType)
for skillLineIndex = 1, numSkillLines do
local numSkills = GetNumSkillAbilities(skillType, skillLineIndex)
local abilityName, CAbilityId
for skillIndex = 1, numSkills do
abilityName= nil
CAbilityId = nil
if (IsCraftedAbilitySkill(skillType, skillLineIndex, skillIndex)) then
CAbilityId = GetCraftedAbilitySkillCraftedAbilityId(skillType, skillLineIndex, skillIndex)
abilityName = GetCraftedAbilityDisplayName(CAbilityId)
local _, _, _, isPassive, isUltimate, isPurchased, progressionIndex = GetSkillAbilityInfo(skillType, skillLineIndex, skillIndex)
d("Ability Name: " .. abilityName .. " isPurchased: " .. tostring(isPurchased) .. " progressionIndex: " .. tostring(progressionIndex))
I'm not quite sure if this is a bug or not. Since, with the new method IsCraftedAbilitySkill() introduced in U42, I can avoid using GetSkillAbilityInfo() on scribing skills and thus crash the game. Perhaps this is the practice ZOS wants us to use. But it did give me some trouble and required a lot of extra judgment in the code to avoid this. It would be much better if it just gave me some null values to let me know that the method is not available on the scribing skill, instead of crashing the game.