Originally Posted by Baertram
The log says something about url authority check failed at an https:// url.?
ERROR 2023-07-27 19:44:23,933 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.controller.MinionController:openBrowser(289): Catching java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in authority at index 7: http://"https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2118-LibMainMenu-2.0.html"
It somehow always adds http:// in the beginning, but this is wrong and it should simply use the https:// link provided?
I'm not sure why this is happening but somehow or something at your PC adds that http:// then :-(
Did you read the Minion troubleshooting guide already and followed its steps?
Especially providing rights in antivirus/admin mode to try if anything blocks Minion execution, use 16bit version.
If this all does not help try to install Sun Java Runtime Environment (Jre) fresh, or let it fix/repair if it's already installed.
I tried to follow the steps in the troubleshooting guide, and tried to find where my antivirus whitelists things, but I am not using the firewall from it (and pretty sure I have defender turned off/not changed anything like that since the last time I ran minion).
I think the only difference between the last time I ran it and now is that I updated Java, so maybe something went wrong there, so will try to install that.
Just excluded minion from my antivirus and still get that error, so will hunt down java runtime environment. Thanks.
(pretty sure this isn't part of it, but I also had trouble with one of my hard drives yesterday, think a cable came loose, pushed everything back in and now everything that wasn't working, except minion, is now working again. But what a mess *that* was. However, it could be that something wasn't installed properly because of a loose cable.)