Well I checked if we in OSX land have Curl. BSD Unix roots and all... a quick "man curl" in the Terminal app confirms we are good to go, maybe.
Got as far as testing using the "update test" suggestion as per the OP.
All good.
1) Generate your token as per the link above.
2) Fire up your Terminal app.
3) curl -H "x-api-token:tttttttttttttttttttttttttt"
That will give a table of all your ESO AddOns. The ID is the important bit. Most likely a three digit number. That string of "t"s is your token. It'll be heaps longer than that!
4) curl -H "x-api-token:tttttttttttttttttttttttttt"
where "nnn" is the ID of your AddOn. This step is not necessary. It just lists what is there if you can't be bothered getting that same data in a formatted Safari/Chrome page.
5) curl -H "x-api-token:tttttttttttttttttttttttttt" -F "id=nnn" -F "version=1.13" -F "compatible=2.6" -F "updatefile=@/Users/Chris/desktop/MyLovelyFile.zip"
To test things out. Easy as that.
Next actual update I'll be using Curl although I must say that unlike other places which seem to be cursed <cough> with some kind of page loading or bandwidth problem, over here at ESOUI things are always nice and zippy so I don't mind using the web interface at all. But this system would be neat for bulk updates in one go.