Reticle Over is bugged
AssignTargetMarkerToReticleTarget() is bugged or there is something wrong with the target system.
I am creating an addon that auto places markers on targets. Everything I have done on my end works perfectly.
However if a friendly allied character (pets, players and followers) crosses into the reticle as a marker is being placed, they will receive the marker instead.
It does this even with code in place to specifically say don't put markers on players, pets or any character aligned with the player.
I have tried many versions of my own code to remove this problem and it remains consistently bugged.
My suggestion for a possible fix. Is to add a command that allows a marker to be placed on an actor without using the reticle. So I can save the reticle enemy as a ("target"), then PlaceMarkerOnActor("target") instead (while not looking directly at the target).