Well, we get the ESOUIDocumentationPxx.txt file where all constants and functions are in.
EmmyLua and no other lua plugin, or even IntelliJ alone, would be able to use this as a source of any API
We need to extract the data from it and create lua files, or any other supported file, that the EmmyLua (or other lua plugins) are able touse AND find properly in the projects.
I also tried to unzip the source folder but EmmyLua/IntelliJ wa snot able to read all files properly to use the sources from there.
Beside that it was very slow as it had to read all the files, and if a new project was addded it re-scanned all the files each time.
So far the only way I found it is supported is create real lua functions, global variables etc. from the documentation files, and that is what the php parser classes do.
So the manual tasks after each new ESOUIDocumentationPxx.txt we get from ZOs (during PTS releases) will be:
1. Parse the txt file and create the api lua files from it
2. Use addon DumpVars and dump the new global constants, create the the api_globals.lua and api_sounds.lua files from it
3. Update the xml json file
4. Optional: Check differences in lua code and remove non-existing functions from static file eso-api_base_Manual_NonGenerated.lua
5. Optional: heck for new functions/globals you wish to add to file eso-api_base_Manual_NonGenerated.lua
6. Create zip file and release to ESOUI addon
Users can use the zip file then and extract it to their libs folder to use the updated API files.