LootIt - Texture Packs
If you wish to create an addon to register texture packs with LootIt the following info should help you figure out how to do it.

If you want to create textures to register with LootIt and you only know how to do textures & need help with the addon part or anything else just send me a PM. I'de be happy to help...I know nothing about creating textures though, can't help with that :p

Addon Naming:
To help keep things clear & easy to find for users please start your addons name with: LootItTextures-
Followed by your unique texture pack name.

So if your unique texture pack name is l33t Pack, it should be called: LootItTextures-l33tPack

Do I need to create all of these textures?
If you wish to create a texture pack you do not need to create a texture for every skill or ability. When LootIt looks for a custom texture in your pack if it is not found LootIt will just use its own default texture so you can create a pack with any number of textures.

How does it work?
You create a table (using the layout example below) that will contain the paths to your custom textures. You can use the example files below to create your addon. Just remove any texture lines that you do not have a custom texture for. For the skills/abilities you do have custom textures for just change the texture path to the correct path for your custom texture. That path must start from the GAMES AddOns folder (it must include your addons folder name), for example:
Lua Code:
  1. ["Dual Wield"] = "/LootItTextures-l33tPack/Textures/DualWield.dds",

What about specific skill textures, skill category textures, base ability textures, & specific textures for morphed abilities?
When LootIt looks for a texture it first looks for the most specific one available. If it is not found it will attempt to find a texture matching a broader category. See Skills below for an example.

If the user gains Dual Wield xp LootIt will first look for a ["Dual Wield"] texture to use. If one is not found it will fall back to the broader category and look for a [SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON] texture. If it is found it will use it. If neither texture is found LootIt will use its own default texture.
The specific skill names and broader SkillType names can be found in the table in the example addon.lua file below.

Abilities can also have more than one texture. There can be a texture for the non-morphed version of the ability and one for each of the morphed abilities.
If your a sorcerer & gain xp for your unstable clannfear pet LootIt will first look for a ["Unstable Clannfear"] custom texture. If it is not found it will then look for the texture of the non-morphed version of the ability ["Unstable Familiar"]
Non-Morhped ability names can be aquired by calling: GetAbilityProgressionInfo(progressionIndex)
Morphed ability names can be aquired by calling: GetAbilityProgressionAbilityInfo(progressionIndex, morph, rank)

Class Specific & Racial skill lines
The table name must match the name returned by: GetSkillLineInfo(skillType, skillIndex)
Example addon.txt file:
Make sure you include DependsOn in your .txt file
Lua Code:
  1. ## DependsOn: LootIt
Warning: Spoiler

Example addon.lua file:
Warning: Spoiler