-- Create Tables used in the addon --
local LootIt_TexturePack = {}
-- Initialize Constants --
LootIt_TexturePack.name = "LootItTextures-l33tPack"
LootIt_TexturePack.version = 1.0
-- Texture Pack Table --
--[[ Your texture pack must contain the ["AddonName"] and a UNIQUE ["DisplayName"]
The display name is what is shown to the users in LootIts settings menu.
Your pack does not need to contain a texture for everything. If the user selects your texture pack LootIt will use
whatever textures your pack contains. If your pack does not include all of the textures LootIt will just use the
default LootIt textures for whichever ones are missing from your pack.
The Skill Category Textures are only used IF a more specific texture is not found.
For example if the user gains Dual Wield xp LootIt will first look for a ["Dual Wield"] texture to use. If one is not
found it will fall back to the broader category and look for a [SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON] texture. If it is found it will
use it. If neither texture is found LootIt will use its own default texture.
For Racial & Class specific skill lines you must add your own entry to the table. The table key ["key"] must be the
skill name returned by: GetSkillLineInfo(skillType, skillIndex)
I may at some point gather a list of them and post them on my portal. If you can't figure out how to get them
and need help PM me.
local tTextures = {
-- Insert your addon name, and a UNIQUE display name for your texture pack to be displayed
-- in the settings menu
["AddonName"] = "LootItTextures-l33tPack",
["DisplayName"] = "l33t Pack",
-- General Textures
["CHARACTER_XP"] = "/LootIt/Textures/LootIt_XP_Texture.dds",
["GOLD"] = "/esoui/art/icons/item_generic_coinbag.dds",
-- Skill Category Textures
[SKILL_TYPE_ARMOR] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_armor_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_AVA] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_ava_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_CLASS] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_class_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_GUILD] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_guilds_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_NONE] = "/esoui/art/charactercreate/unavailable_overlay.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_RACIAL] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_race_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_tradeskills_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_weapons_up.dds",
[SKILL_TYPE_WORLD] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_world_up.dds",
-- Armor Textures
["Light Armor"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_armor_up.dds",
["Medium Armor"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_armor_up.dds",
["Heavy Armor"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_armor_up.dds",
-- AVA: None
-- Class Sorcerer: These textures are not necessary, this is an example of how to override them
-- To override the class texture you must use the skill name returned by:
-- GetSkillLineInfo(skillType, skillIndex)
-- ["Skill Name"] = Texture path
-- This is just an example of how to override the sorcerer skill textures
["Dark Magic"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_class_up.dds",
["Daedric Summoning"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_class_up.dds",
["Storm Calling"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_class_up.dds",
-- GUILD: None
-- Racial: High Elf Skills: This textures are not necessary, this is an example
-- of how to override LootIts Racial textures. For other races you must use the
-- skill name returned by: GetSkillLineInfo(skillType, skillIndex)
-- ["Skill Name"] = Texture path
-- This is just an example of how to override the High Elf skill texture
["High Elf Skills"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_race_up.dds",
-- Tradeskill Textures
["Alchemy"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_alchemist.dds",
["Blacksmithing"] = "/esoui/art/icons/servicemappins/servicepin_smithy.dds",
["Clothing"] = "/esoui/art/icons/servicemappins/servicepin_outfitter.dds",
["Enchanting"] = "/esoui/art/crafting/enchantment_tabicon_essence_up.dds",
["Provisioning"] = "/esoui/art/crafting/provisioner_indexicon_beer_up.dds",
["Woodworking"] = "/esoui/art/icons/servicemappins/servicepin_woodworking.dds",
-- Weapon Textures
["Two Handed"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_2handed.dds",
["One Hand and Shield"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_1handed.dds",
["Dual Wield"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_dualwield.dds",
["Bow"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_bows.dds",
["Destruction Staff"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_firestaff.dds",
["Restoration Staff"] = "/esoui/art/progression/icon_healstaff.dds",
-- World Textures
["Soul Magic"] = "/esoui/art/progression/progression_indexicon_world_up.dds",
-- Ability Textures: These are not necessary, they are examples of how to override ability textures
-- You can have a specific textures for each morphed ability by using the ability name
-- returned by: GetAbilityProgressionAbilityInfo(progressionIndex, morph, rank)
-- To create a custom texture for the non-morphed ability you must use the ability
-- name returned by: GetAbilityProgressionInfo(progressionIndex)
-- Below are examples of overriding two of the sorcerer textures
-- This is a non-morphed ability
["Unstable Familiar"] = "/LootItTextures-l33tPack/Textures/LootIt_XP_Texture.dds",
-- This is one of the abilities it morphs into
["Unstable Clannfear"] = "/LootItTextures-l33tPack/Textures/LootIt_XP_Texture.dds",
-- If you do not have a custom texture for the morphed ability LootIt will use the
-- custom texture for the non-morphed ability. If neither exist LootIt will use its own default texture
-- OnAddOnLoaded --
local function OnAddOnLoaded(_event, _sAddonName)
if _sAddonName == LootIt_TexturePack.name then
local function OnPlayerActivated()
-- call my global function to register the texture pack
-- returns true if it succeeds, false if it fails
-- reason will be nil if it returns true for bSuccess
local bSuccess, reason = LootIt.RegisterTexturePack(tTextures)
if not bSuccess then
d(reason) -- If it fails reason will tell you why
EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(LootIt_TexturePack.name, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED)
-- Initialize Function --
function LootIt_TexturePack:Initialize()
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(LootIt_TexturePack.name, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED , OnPlayerActivated)
EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(LootIt_TexturePack.name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED)
-- Register Events --
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(LootIt_TexturePack.name, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, OnAddOnLoaded)