
WaypointIt creates a scrollable list of all visible locations on the map. This allows you to easily search for a location by scrolling through the list instead of hoovering your mouse over dozens of pins trying to find the right location.

Its almost finished, official release soon

If you want to try it out, you can find a current copy on my dropbox here: WaypointIt Version 0.95 DropBox

Changes for Version 0.96
Fixed a nil error bug.
Updated Manifest API number.
Fixed a bug where multiple rows were sometimes being highlighted as the selected waypoint.
Added code to set/highlight the correct row when a quest waypoint is set automatically.

Changes for Version 0.95
Fixed a bug that allowed waypoints within the waypoint removal distance to be set when clicking on a location in the waypoint window.
Fixed a nil error caused by quests that do not have a location.

Changes for Version 0.94
Fixed a bug where quest waypoints would sometimes get set in the wrong location due to the incorrect map being selected.
Changed Sort Option settings in the settings menu to drop down list boxes, instead of checkboxes.
Partial Fix for the "Nearest Quest" automatic waypoints, where the API returns a condition that has already been completed. Now if this happens it will just set a waypoint for the next step of the current quest, but it may not be the "nearest" quest.

Changes for Version 0.92
Version 0.92 contains a few code changes to make the tooltips compatible with the new update.
A few bug fixes.
Several code changes to limit how often the code for updating locations & buttons needs to be run.
Automatic waypoints will no longer be set if it is within the waypoint removal distance.
Added several settings:
  • You can now set the default sort order for each category to either sort by Distance or sort by Name.
  • Added a toggle button to the Waypoint window so you can toggle the sort between sorting by name & distance. This change is not saved, in other words it does NOT effect the default sort order for that category. If you click a different button to view a different category & then go back it will sort by the default sort order you have set in settings.
  • Added an option to display the distance to each location in the WaypointIt window.
  • Added an option to have automatic quest waypoints set a waypoint to the next "closest" quest, regardless of which quest it is for.
  • Added an option to automatically mark a waypoint for new quests. If turned ON, when you accept a NEW quest a waypoint for the quest will be automatically set for you. This will override any waypoint that is already set.
  • Added an option so that whenever you complete a quest, a waypoint will be automatically set for the next closest quest.
KNOWN ISSUE: I just found out there are a few cases where using the "closest" quest setting for automatic quest waypoints can sometimes fail to set the next waypoint. This should not happen very often. It is due to some of the API not working as I "thought" it should. If a quest step has more than one condition and my code requests the nearest quest condition the API does not take into consideration if that quest condition has already been completed and may return a quest condition that has already been completed. WaypointIt then tries to set a waypoint for that condition, but it will be the one your standing at, which will be within the "waypoint removal distance" and therefore WaypointIt will refuse to set a waypoint.
I am looking for another way to handle this.

When I find a way to fix the automatic waypoints for the "closest" quest I will post one more version for testing and then make an official release, unless another major bug is found.

General Features (not everything is included, read the updates below)
Scroll down past the picture to see current version updates
  • You can click on any location and WaypointIt will automatically set a waypoint at the location you chose. It even has a directional arrow that spins around the reticle showing you which direction you need to go.
  • If you click on a group memeber there is a second directional arrow that spins around the inside of the reticle to help you keep track of their position, this is independent of everything else...it does NOT set waypoints to group members. This way you can set waypoints to other locations & still keep track of a group member.
  • The items in the list have tooltips & quest tooltips give you all the information you need about a quest.
    • The background text, your current step & objectives. The name of the quest, quest level, if its repeatable (only visible if its repeatable), tells you if its a SOLO instanced quest or a GROUP instanced quest (only appears if the quest is located in an instance).
  • It has support for Garkins SkyShards/LoreBooks, & Harvens custom mapPins.
  • It also has options to automatically set a waypoint to the next step of a quest everytime you complete a step...this features still a work in progress, but appears to work for what little testing I've had time to do.

There could still be bugs, but at the moment everything appears to be working as planned.
If you want to try it out & give some feedback or request something now is the time.

Almost ready for phase 6

New in Version 0.85
  • Solved the problem with Harvens mapPins. Thanks to Harven for his help.
  • Solved the problem with distance measurements not being consistent on different maps.
  • Waypoints will now persist through zoning.
  • Solved a new problem with enabling/disabling/highlighting rows caused by new ability to keep waypoints while zoning.
  • Fixed buttons so that if a category is empty it will go to the next category/button when choosing a subFilter.
  • Fixed a bug in the enable/disable buttons where one button was not being disabled properly.
  • Fixed a few other things.
  • Done

New in Version 0.82
Not many changes, spent most of my time today creating...trying to create some new icons.
Thanks to Votan for chipping in & helping with some new icons!
  • New Icons (well some). The icons are now all black and white so they match better.
  • Sort of...fixed a problem with Harvens custom map pins. (see below)
Harvens Custom Map Pins:
There was an error caused by Harvens Cusom Map Pins getting manually refreshed by other addons. This has to do with the way the data is stored, or not stored, in the mapPin itself. I can not access the needed data when the mapPin is created, but can not wait for it either or else errors can occur due to the pins "possibly" being removed (gone, no longer exist) because those pins have been manually refreshed.

The only option I could think of was to code in a special exception for his pins & Ignore them until it is displayed in the scrollList and then gather the data, but upon attempting that it caused errors when my code tries to sort the scrollList. I do not want an unsorted list nor do I want to keep changing how everything works to get these pins to work in WaypointIt. If I can't think of a "simple" solution I may just drop support for these pins :(

New in Version 0.8
  • Cleaned up a lot of the excess code I was using for testing.
  • Added comments to everything to help others follow what the code is doing.
  • Resized things a little bit.
  • Split AVA Keep locations into three filters, by alliance.
  • Added some code to enable/disable button filters based on if there are any items to display under the filter.
  • lots of other little things
  • Added a feature to keep the selected waypoint you have set (or group member your following) highlighted so you can tell which waypoint or group member your heading towards by looking at the highlighted item in the list.
  • Added the ability to remove waypoints (group follows) by clicking on the "already selected" waypoint/group memeber in the list a second time.
  • Added some code to exclude offline members from the group member list (it was causing problems with inaccessbile data while they are offline).
  • Added another (small) directional arrow for tracking a group member. It spins around the inside of the reticle.
  • Rewrote the update code to seperate waypoint/heading updates from the new group member heading updates.
  • Finished the group waypoint buttons...The buttons for group members no longer set a waypoint. Instead the turn ON/OFF a SECOND small directional arrow that rotates around the INSIDE of the reticle to show you which direction the group member is. IT DOES NOT SET WAYPOINTS. This is intentional. This way you can set waypoints to locations AND keep track of a group members location at the same time. I figured this would be very useful, especially for AvA. Set a waypoint to a keep or something, but be able to keep an eye on where the group leader is at the same time.

When clicking a button that changes the subFilter menu bar it automatically selects the FIRST button in the list...even if it has no items to show under that filter.
If you use another addon that uses LibGPS it can mess up the waypoints and spam random "waypoint set" messages (if you have waypoint messages turned on). There is nothing I can do about this because libGPS sets random waypoints to measure the map.

New in Version 0.72
  • Mostly...finished the group waypoints.
  • Group Members now show up in the list without error
  • Created Group Member tooltips that includes if their the group leader, their name colorized (Red if their dead or Yellow if their in combat), title (if they have one), level, vet level, class, AvA rank & rank name, and their subRank (whatever that is I could only get a number for it, could find no way to translate it into a name if there is such a thing).
  • I had trouble trying to get someone to group & stay grouped with me to work on the group waypoints. Last I checked it no longer gave errors & appeared to work, but then I tried to implement a follow waypoint...so if you set a waypoint on a group member it will update itself & follow them, but then my group left & I couldn't get another one, so that may or may not work...I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
  • Moved the Fast Travel Keep, Forward Camp, & AvA respawn filters to a submenu under Wayshrines (since their all spawn/travel to locations).
  • Wrote some code so that when clicking on a Fast Travel Keep or Forward Camp it will automatically teleport you there instead of setting a waypoint. I have no plans to do that with normal wayshrines. I couldn't do it with AvA Respawns (thats the keep icons you click on when your dead) because I can't find anyway to get a KeepId from the AvARespawnId/pin info so I may just remove that filter, its useless if I can't make that work.

New in Version 0.7
  1. Fixed the tooltip error when mousing over keeps & other ava locations (forward camps are still untested/unfinished...no ones putting any up to test with)
  2. Added some ugly icons for the menu bars. Their temporary, at least you can tell most of them apart now.
  3. Fixed an issue where selecting a new button that loaded a new submenu bar did not automatically select the first button of the submenu.
  4. Fixed a bug in the automatic waypoints where a new waypoint was not always being set due to the quest advanced event not being called on every completed condition.
  5. Added a settings menu.
  6. Added an option to default to the Waypoint panel in the World Info UI (or not, it is optional)
  7. Added settings to make automatic quest waypoints optional.
  8. Added settings to have WaypointIt set the selected quest (from the waypointIt window) as your currently tracked quest, optional.
  9. Added settings to print the next step of a quest when you select a quest waypoint from the WaypointIt window (and everytime you complete a quest step) so you know what your supposed to do.
  10. Added settings to show/hide the directional arrow.
  11. Added settings for center screen messages when you set a waypoint.

KNOWN ISSUES: Items that show up under the Forward Camps & Group Members filters are still untested. Forward Camps are unfinished & will likely show up labeled "Unknown"
One time I had the automatic waypoints fail to set my next waypoint, but was unable to reproduce it. Needs more testing.

New in Version 0.62
  1. Removed dependencies on FilterIt code.
  2. Integrated UI into World Info UI window. (still needs alignment/adjustments).
  3. Created/Fixed the menu bars for the filters, they should be working properly now.
  4. Added some more filters for AvA.
  5. Not all filters are finished, group filters & forward camp...there may be 1 more I'm forgetting, they may show placeholder icons & say "Unknown" for the label, but shouldn't cause any errors.
Known Issues: Mousing over a Keep causes a tooltip error, AvA Respawns have a plain green icon texture.

New in Version 0.6
  1. Added a feature to allow new quest waypoints to be set automatically to the next location for the quest as soon as you complete the step your on...although I just realized theres no settings menu yet so you can't turn it OFF :P
  2. Rewrote a LARGE majority of the code to change how pin data is gathered & used. That is the majority of the changes. It should fix the problems we had in 0.5 where the scroll list was getting out of sync with the actual map pin data and speed things up considerably.
KNOWN ISSUES: Waypoint Directional arrow that leads you to your waypoint does not hide when you open other windows like the inventory...I haven't gotten around to that one yet.

At the moment the categories are a mess. All POI's are back into one category, I will split it back apart into subcategories like "Dark Anchors, Group Bosses, exc..." after the next phase.

Phase 3
Is to create some new menu bars & integrate them and all of the WaypointIt UI into the World Info UI (thats where you see things like the map key, locations, quests, exc... when you have the map open).

After I have those menu bars & buttons set up for all of the categories were going to have, then I will fix the categories & split them up or combine them the way they should be.

Phase 4
There will also be categories added for AVA zones like AVA Respawns, forward Camps, Keeps, Fast Travel Keeps, exc...

Phase 5
Go back and align the UI, create a settings menu, add more options.

Phase 6
Add a feature to automatically set waypoints for the "nearest" quest location.

Open your map to use it (it shows/hides with the map)
  • WaypointIt creates a scrollable window (like your inventory) that gathers information about mapPins on your map and organizes it in an easier to use/find format.
  • It has buttons that allow you to filter locations by (at this time) Wayshrines, Dungeons, Group Dungeons, Locations (mostly places in cities), Portals, Group Bosses, Quests, & if you use Garkins SkyShards/Lorebooks it has a button to filter those as well.
  • If you click on one of the buttons (locations) in the window it will automatically set a waypoint for you to help you find it.
  • It can also automatically remove waypoints once you reach your destination (at this time that is NOT optional).
  • It also displays (if given by the api, not all do) the level of the location/quest on the upper left hand corner of the icon.
  • It sorts them alphabetically, except if you use Garkins SkyShards addon, it sorts SkyShards numberically (by skyshard index) so you can run through them in order.
  • If there are no locations under a filter it will disable the filter & the text on the button will turn grey.

Lorebooks & SkyShards
The lorebooks & SkyShards REQUIRE Garkins Lorebooks & SkyShards addon. WaypointIt only gathers information about them from the mapPins his addon puts on the map!
At this time those buttons are visible whether or not you have his addons installed. In the future the buttons will only be visible if you have those addons installed.