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After picking which ESOTheater file to edit, what do you change?
Open the file in your favorite text editor. The configuration for the favorites buttons is defined as an associative lua table inside. Locate the line with the text ["FavoriteTable"] = . This the starting point for the favorite buttons.

Here is a partial listing

["FavoriteTable"] =
[1] =
["ID"] = 1,
["EmoteName"] = [[torch]],
[2] =
["ID"] = 141,
["EmoteName"] = [[playdead]],

Say that you want the emotes /drink and /facepalm as the first two emote button.
1) Then you would edit EmotesImportData.lua to.

["FavoriteTable"] =
[1] =
["ID"] = 9,
["EmoteName"] = [[drink]],
[2] =
["ID"] = 41,
["EmoteName"] = [[facepalm]],
2) Save the file.