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Philgo68's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
Master Merchant
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3339 Memory Leak over 10GB 03/05/21 09:43 AM PaddyVu Unconfirmed
By: PaddyVu
03/05/21 09:45 AM
2111 Stats window slider 11/08/17 02:26 AM Octopuss Unconfirmed None.
2622 MM is not reading my trader guild logs 05/04/20 04:02 AM NStunner Unconfirmed None.
2085 Getting an error not sure what to do 10/05/17 03:52 PM NorthBrok Unconfirmed None.
1419 Deal calculation for unknown items causes AGS integration issues 07/21/15 02:27 AM Noobanidus Unconfirmed None.
2225 Not able to buy items with MasterMerchant & AGS being enabled at the same time 05/10/18 10:39 PM NinjaInZivil Unconfirmed None.
2480 No work Libexecutionqueue which is not found 08/13/19 10:07 AM NicGroover Unconfirmed
By: bec11199
08/18/19 09:36 PM
1514 UI Error for toolTipStats 11/17/15 06:25 PM mjromeo Unconfirmed None.
1317 UI Error Again 04/20/15 07:45 PM mcbormuth Unconfirmed
By: TheGamingHen
03/03/17 09:11 AM
2618 Not updating, and incorrect version 04/16/20 01:43 AM marzwolf Unconfirmed None.