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Balki's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Reverse Sort Order Comment
794 Only the bottle outline is shown in my quickslot 06/06/14 08:46 AM Sickmetal Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar
By: motub
06/25/14 08:25 AM
1111 Lag on target death 10/24/14 12:26 PM cdumoulin Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar None.
1063 Hotkey change 09/22/14 06:28 PM Moaning_Marv Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar None.
1286 cant change presets 03/27/15 10:23 AM Lollapops Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar None.
1559 Quickslot will be shown inside skills window if I change weapon slots 02/19/16 09:49 AM Baertram Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar None.
2340 Items Disappear When Switching Quick Slot Bars 10/24/18 01:26 AM AdvocatusAegidius Unconfirmed Greymind Quick Slot Bar None.